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"You know, it really sucks that I have your number memorized," Gens voice fills my ear, making a large smile break out on my face.

"Gen!  Were you watching?" I ask.

"Yeah."  She sighs.  "Isla practically tied me down so I would watch the show."

"I'm glad she did," I say quietly and the line goes quiet.

"Look Daniel," she starts after a long moment.  "I know you're sorry and I know it's my fault that we aren't together but I really think it's better if we just forget each other.  I don't want to be the one to hold your career back,"

"You're not!  Gen, I swear, you don't hold me back at all.  You push me forward in fact.  Please don't push me away," I beg.

"I just don't want to be hated," she says with a slight sob.  I can tell she's crying.  What I would give to wrap my arms around her right now.

"Gen, you won't be hated, I promise,"

"Daniel you can't promise that," she replies with a sniffle.

"Please just let me come see you and I'll show you how much you mean to me,"

I hear her wipe another tear before she speaks again.

"Fine, but if you come let's just talk about us.  We can just figure out what we are and than that's it."

Why was she doing this?  Couldn't she see I wanted this relationship.  I was fighting for it.  And I wasn't going to lose it again.

"Ok," is all I say and I hear the receiver click, indicating that she hung up.

I run a hand through my hair. How was I going to fix this?


One long flight later, I was back in Southern California, in an Uber, riding to Gen's house.  I hadn't ever been here before but she texted me her address after she finally unblocked me.

Since I had exposed that she wasn't actually dating Asher, he let her go home.  He was super nice about it and he told me he had a really good conversation with Gen about it and that they were still really close friends.

I had no idea what I wanted to say. Mainly, I really wanted a hug. Life had just hitting harder over the past couple months. I was really hoping I wouldn't get knocked out by this blow.

The Uber rolls to a stop and the man turns around in his seat to look at me.

"Well here you go, son," he says.

I thank him as I grab my phone and get outside the car, staring at the house.

It's very casual. Two story, brick house. A few windows on the outside and lawn freshly mowed.

I take a deep breath before walking towards the door. There are an unusual amount of garden gnomes that decorate the pathway to the door.  The door has a hat wreath hanging from a small nail and I have no awkwardly knock below it.

There's that moment when you know the people have heard that you knocked and they're awkwardly trying to get to the door. And then you stand there, rocking back and forth on your heels.

But after a few moments the door opens to reveal a woman who is clearly Gen's mom. They look very similar and I can see where Gen gets a lot of her features.

"Daniel?" She asks.

I nod. "Mrs. Scott. It's very nice to meet you," I say, holding out my hand.

"You as well. Call me Rachel," she says politely, shaking my hand. "Gen is inside," she adds, moving so I can enter the house.

The house has a very beach like vibe in that there are a lot of anchors around the room and navy blue is one of the main colors used on the walls.

"Would you like anything to drink?" She asks,

I shake my head. "Nope I just need to talk to Gen," I explain, putting my hands in my pockets.

She nods thoughtfully before taking a drink out of a mug that sat on the table.

"She's told me stuff," her mom starts.

I gulp.

"Oh it's not bad dear," she says noticing my anxious countenance.  "Your manager is very...unique,"

"Yeah, he is odd sometimes," I agree.

"And as much as I love my daughter, she is at fault sometimes. I know she cares very deeply for you but she's trying not to show it because if you do end up leaving, she'll be very hurt," her mom explains.

In that moment, I don't know what happened but I just started to tell her everything. Everything that happened in our relationship. The good, the bad, and the ugly. When I got to the kidnapping, her eyes grew very wide.

"Why didn't she tell me?" Rachel asks quietly.

"I'm sure she meant to but she wasn't sure how," I say.

"Well, I'm glad you were there for her. You have a very noble heart and I'm glad it belongs to her,"

I smile at her, thankful she's being kind for what I've put Gen through.

"Of course,"

Rachel glances down. "Do you...love my daughter?"

"Yes," I say almost immediately. "I love her very much,"

Rachel gives me a wide smile. "I'm so happy to hear that. Have you told her that?"

"Once," I say.

"I'm glad you let her know. When her father left, she never got to tell him that, and she regrets that moment very much. Please always tell her how you feel," she says.

"I will," I promise.

We both glance up at the staircase leading to the upper floor of the house.

"Do you think she'll forgive me?" I ask.

"It's not the matter of forgiving you Daniel. It's forgiving herself," Rachel tells me.

I take a deep breath, trying to prepare for this as best as I can. Making my way to the stairs, I start to climb them before Rachel says something else.

"No matter what you say, she'll come around to you. People in love always do,"


dang we got hit with Rachel's wisdom

Ok two more chapters! Do you want an epilogue?

Hope you enjoyed,


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