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What was I going to do?

Daniel was going to have to "date" a girl for the fame because I had one problem with Asher.  Good grief.  I'm starting to really not like Randy.

I am just siting in the back of the studio the next day after Daniel had the talk with Randy.  The boys told me Daniel would be bringing Caroline in and she didn't know anything about who I was.

Since, I was on tour with the boys, I couldn't just leave, as Daniel demanded, so Randy agreed which I'm sure wasn't easy.

The door opens and I glance up from my phone.  All the boys look up too. 

Caroline walks in and my eyes widen.  She was so pretty. She was a model so of course she was stunning but like wow.  I instantly want to go hide.

How was I supposed to compete with that? There's no way.

"Hi, guys! My name's Caroline, and I'm dating Daniel," she says as if she'd rehearsed it.

She walks to each of the boys, giving them hugs, and they stiffly hug her back.  She slowly walks up to me.

"Hi," she says sweetly.

"Hi," I reply and she pulls me into a hug.

"What's your name?" She asks.

"Um Genevieve Scott," I say and her eyes grow wide.

"Weren't you the one who cheated on Asher?" She asks bluntly.

All the boys mouths drop open.

"Uh," I stammer.

"No, she didn't" Jonah says walking over and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "He actually cheated and lied,"

"Yup, what a jerk," Corbyn agrees walking over beside me.

Jack and Zach walk over and surround me and I'm so grateful. Asher always brings up dumb emotions inside of me and I felt like I was going to cry.

Jonah sees this and gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Oh," Caroline says obviously not believe a word of it. "So why are you here Genevieve?" She asks nicely.

"Um....I'm here because...." I say trying to figure out a lie.

"She's my sister," Jack says.

Caroline's eyes furrow.

The boys look at Jack and Jack stares at them until they get the idea.

"Um, yeah."

Caroline raises an eyebrow.

"We have the same dad," I lie, and Jack nods.

"Love you sis," he says.

"Love you too...uh bro"

Caroline looks at me for a second longer before turning around.

"I don't really care. Where's Daniel?"

"I'm not sure" Zach says.

Caroline rolls her eyes and walks back out of the studio.

"I don't like her," Corbyn says.

"Same," Zach says and everyone agrees.

"Gen, you're way better," Jonah says.

I give a half smile. "Thanks, Jonah, and than you Jack for helping me out"

"Of course. That's what brothers are here for"

"Where is Daniel though?" I ask.

"He's at the hotel. Said he wasn't feeling well," Zach says.

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