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Daniel's POV

I've tried everything.  Kobe's instagram, Wes's, even the where is wdw account.  And nothing.  Gen has ignored me through all of it.

I had to beg Isla to give me Gen's address and she was really willing even though we broke up.  Once I had the address I sent her flowers with an apology hoping it would just fix things.

I'm not sure why I thought that would actually work.  This isn't the movies where things magically work.  This was the real world and there were real problems with no solutions.

Looking through her instagram hurts me so much. And then she went and blocked everyone. On everything. She was quite thorough which I'll give her props for. She even went to our pets instagrams and blocked those.

But what Gen doesn't know about is my super lowkey finsta. I made it just for an occasion like this. I made sure the name wasn't to suspicious. Made my profile picture a picture of some random girl and now I feel like I'm catfishing someone. Well you gotta do what you gotta do.

Anyways, this lets me still stay in without her knowing. It's a magical system.

Caroline is making me want to just tell everyone the truth. I'm so done lying to people. I'm ready to start exposing people. Even if one of those people are myself.

"Hey, babe," she greets me.

"It's Daniel," I say, trying not to sound incredibly rude.

She frowns slightly. "Sorry. Hey, Daniel,"

"Hello, Caroline," I say.

She sits beside me. "Can I be honest with you?" She asks me.

I sit up a little straighter. "Yeah sure, what's up?"

"This is probably going to sound super pretentious but is there something wrong with me? You seem so uninterested but I'm like super hot. Maybe it's your eyes or maybe certain parts of you just aren't working yet but I can't stop thinking about that," she says in a rush.

My eyes widen. "Oh gosh Caroline no. You're beautiful. It's just..." I pause, deciding if I should just tell her the truth.

"And I know that we're only dating because of a contract Randy drew up in his free time, but you should've at least taken me out for real, but I've gotten absolutely nothing from you," she says almost in disbelief that I'm not interested.

"Listen Caroline. I'll be honest. Do you remember the girl who was with us on tour?" I ask, as I watch as Caroline knits her eyebrows together before a look of realization crosses her face.

"Oh, the one who was related to Jack?" I was surprised she remembered that much honestly.

"Yes her,"

She nods and I decide to continue.

"Well, she was my girlfriend,"

"Wait, what do you mean? Why are you fake dating me if you were dating her?"

"Randy," I say.

"Did he think she was to toxic or something?  Because of the whole Asher situation?"

I nod.

Caroline shakes her head. "That's such a Randy thing to do. So what happened exactly with her and Asher?"

"They met and dated without problems for three years but when him and his family moved, he cheated on her and then she's pretty much hates celebrities because of that. Then she met me, but she didn't know I was famous so we had a spark. When she found out who I was she tried to run away but I wouldn't let her because I liked her."

"Then she came on tour with us and when Randy figured out her past, he brought you in and sent her to Asher's tour. But Asher has apparently changed and he had Gen and I meet up in Chicago for a few days. Then she got kidnapped and while I tried to save her, I got hurt and had to be put in the hospital and then he were are pretty much," I explain.

Caroline just stares at me. "You guys have been thorough so much geez,"

"Yeah," I sigh, thinking back to the old days when are relationship was heartfelt and friendly.

"So, what do you mean when you say that she was your girlfriend?" Caroline asks, diving head first into the subject I really didn't want to discuss right now.

"Well, we broke up," I say.

"What! No, you guys seemed so cute together," she says disappointedly.

"Wait, did you know?" I ask.

"I had a few suspicions. I'm not that dumb you know," she says giving a small laugh.

"Yeah, my bad for assuming. But anyways while I was in the hospital she realized that she was holding me back from my potential or something like that. So she briefly spoke to me before she left. Like ran out of the room crying kind of left,"

My mood drops just thinking about it.

"Well, are you going to do anything about it?"

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, curious as to where Caroline is leading this conversation.

"Why don't you storm in and take your girl back?"

"And how do you suggest I do that?"

"I don't know Daniel. It's your girlfriend you're trying to woo. But if I were you, I'd call someone and tell them you wanna do an interview with them. Then go on the show and just start roasting everyone. And by everyone I mean like Randy,"

"Wait that's actually a good idea. Thank you Caroline," I say.

"Of course Daniel. And you should've told me about Gen sooner. Then I wouldn't have tried to hard to get your attention and stuff like that," she tells me before standing up.

She places a small kiss on my cheek before leaving the room.

Quickly, I pull out my phone and call Renata, the host of the Today Show.

"Hey Renata it's Daniel Seavey. I have an exclusive interview for you if you're up for it," I say, to which she agrees.

I then pull up Isla's number and text her. When I'm done, I smile.

I'm gonna get my girl back.


who's excited for what Daniel's gonna do/say?

Hope you enjoyed,


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