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I glance at Asher. He can't be serious.

"Dead serious.  I have a show in Oregon, so we'll leave for the airport in two hours" Asher explains glancing out the window.

"What about my clothes?" I ask. Does he expect me to wear this outfit for the next month?

"Don't worry baby, I'll buy you a whole new wardrobe," he smirks at me and my stomach twists uncomfortably.

"Don't call me that. We're not dating," I say.

"You mean like you and Daniel aren't dating?"

My eyes widen.

He laughs. "Yeah I know about your little relationship. Lasted about two weeks though,"

"I was more happy with him than I ever was with you," I snap.

"And who got dumped?" He pauses for effect. "Guess he wasn't so happy"

I don't even know what to say, I'm so frustrated.

I just turn away and stay silent the rest of the trip.

We arrive at the hotel so that Asher can grab all his stuff.

"Stay in the car," he demands, leaving and the locking the door so I can't run away.

Leaning back, I think about what has went down in the last 24 hours.

1. Daniel and I started dating(well ok this wasn't 24 hours ago but whatever)

2. Said boyfriend dumped me because he...well I don't know why actually

3. My ex basically kidnapped me and is now making me go on tour?  Is he gonna make me go on stage or something dumb?

I sigh. I know Daniel has to fake date Caroline and that was fine, but he said that we would get over the problems together, and then just got mad and broke up with me.

I sigh and look at my phone which is blowing up with notifications.


its not what you think- dexter and dak



gee, who made the gc?

def not corbyn and Jonah

so like, what's not what I think


i don't wanna talk about him

please gen

fine, explain it to me

he has to date Caroline
or he'll never be able to
speak to you again

i know that.
you told me

well, then why are you upset

he told me he would protect me
and he's the one who hurt me the most
i just wish he would explain himself to me

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