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Gen's POV

I've always been a light sleeper, so the plane's turbulence slowly rocks me awake.

I can't move my head, because Daniel's head is resting on mine, but I stretch my legs a little and think about how just a couple hours ago I met the sweetest guy aka Daniel.

At least, maybe this would get me through the dreaded Why Don't We concert. The thought of Daniel could occupy my brain.

I look ahead at the tv at the front of the plane that maps out the flight schedule and we have about ten minutes before we land, so I decide to move closer to be more comfortable.

I close my eyes and dream about a certain blue-eyed boy.


Daniel's POV

I've been awake this whole time.

Could you fall asleep with a pretty girl sleeping on your shoulder? Yeah, didn't think so.  All I've been doing is closing my eyes and feigning sleep.

All of a sudden, she shifts slightly and stretches her legs.

Does she want me to get up so her neck won't hurt?

Well, if I move that might be a little weird as I'm supposedly asleep, so I just stay put before she goes back to sleep.

When I'm certain, she goes to sleep, I sit up and grab her phone.  I take a picture of my number so maybe if she opens her camera roll, she'll see it and maybe text me.

Unless she doesn't like you like that, the tiny voice in my head whispers

Maybe she's just to nice to say anything but secretly she knows who you are and resents you with every bone in her body.

I shake my head.  That's probably not true.  I'm just overthinking.

I sigh and look around the plane.

See, originally, Corbyn had this seat but when I saw that, I had begged him to trade me seats because of...well, you know who.  He did, after a twenty dollar bill was strategically placed in his hands.

Then I told the boys to scatter because I know that if Gen was dragged to a concert that she didn't want to go to, then the person who is with her is probably obsessed with us and somehow convinced Gen to come.

They scattered but I couldn't find Gen's friend.

Once I'm done with her phone, I take some photos of me for her just as a joke and put her phone back on her bag, and lay back with my head against the back of the chair and not on top of Gen's head.

As of that moment, Gen stirs awake and looks at me, looking tired but still adorable.  How did her eyes do that.  They look like melting chocolate and even though I really don't like chocolate, they were so beautiful.

"Are we there yet?" She asks.

"Yeah, we're about to land," I say, as the plane begins to tilt forward slightly.

Gen's eyes grow slightly wider.

"Hey, it's going to be ok," I echo, repeating what I'd said to her the first time she was scared.

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