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Daniel's POV

"You think we should wake them up?" a quiet voice asks.

"I don't know, they look comfy," the second voice whispers back.

I slowly open one eye to see Jack and Zach staring at me and Gen from the doorway.  They both peer around the door from opposite sides.

"Go away," I saw quietly so I don't disturb Gen.

They sigh and turn around walking away to where faint music is coming from.  I sigh, and sit up slightly, causing Gen to shift.

She doesn't wake up, she just wraps her small arms around me tighter, and I smile.

I don't wanna be a simp but...let me simp for one second.

Gen is so different.

She's not afraid to tell me how she feels, and she's very outspoken.

All the people I meet always fall at my feet because I'm a celebrity and they always say what I want to hear.  It's hard to know who to trust, but Gen has been honest with me ever since the beginning.

I glance around the room just letting Gen sleep as long as possible but a ding fills the room.  I look down at my phone which is lying beside Gen's.

It's not my phones. It's hers.

I shouldn't look at that.

I try to keep my eyes away from the phone before it dings again.  And again.  It rings at least fifteen more times and this time I can't help but look.

asherthurmon started following you

asherthurmon liked your post

asherthurmon liked your post

asherthurmon liked your post

asherthurmon liked your post

asherthurmon sent you a message

asherthurmon; hey gen

asherthurmon: look, i'm sorry

asherthurmon: please answer

asherthurmon; forgive me

asherthurmon: it was a mistake i swear

asherthurmon: i won't do it again

asherthurmon: it was one time and i regret it

asherthurmon:  i miss us.  don't you?

asherthurmon: i love you

Asher Thurmon?

I met him once at this awards show. He was ridiculously egotistical and very arrogant.

His call to fame was a sob story about how his girlfriend of three years cheated on him when he moved away which honestly sounded sketchy to me.

Of course, the press ate it up and so did all of the girls, which is why he decided to become a singer, which I guess added to the charm.

Why is it that the worst people have the best luck?

Who was this Asher guy to Gen? An ex, maybe.  He's like a spineless worm.  Clearly from the texts he made a big mistake and if I know anything, one leads to many more.

What if Asher's sob story was about Gen? Was Gen the girlfriend?

Did she cheat on him?  Or did he twist the story so it sounded that way?

If I ever see him, it's on sight.

I pick up her phone.  Well, I can't unlock it, so I clear all of her notifications.

She shifts more and I hurriedly place her phone down.

She opens an eye and looks at me happily.

"Have you been awake this whole time?" She asks innocently.

I nod and she smiles before sitting up and loosening her grip on me.  She stretches before standing up.  She starts walking but her steps are very wobbly.

Oh she's gonna fall.

I quickly stand up and right as she faints, I catch her and lay her on the ground.

"Gen, are you ok?" I ask.

She opens her eyes slowly.

"Did I faint?" She asks.

"Yeah," I nod, and she rolls her eyes.

"Sometimes I forget about my iron deficiency," she says and sits up again.

"So where are we?" She asks, looking out the window.

"Um, I'm not sure, but we seem to be out of the city, so I'd say-"

"We're passing through Nevada," Zach yells from the front of the bus.

Gen nods.

"Our next show is in Las Vegas, so we're really close I'm sure," I say.

Gen's face loses all color.

"Did you say Las Vegas?" She asks quietly.

I nod slowly confused.

"Are you ok?" I ask walking over to her to give her a hug.

"Yeah..." she says quickly standing up.

She doesn't push me away but the way she's standing is blocking me from hugging her.

"I just....need to go to the bathroom," she lies and walks away from me.

What just happened?


Gen's POV

I find the bathroom door and open it quickly, slipping inside.

The bathroom is big for a bus bathroom which is nice considering if it were any smaller I'd be more upset.

It's not that Las Vegas made me anxious, it's all the memories.

It's probably time I told you about my ex.

His name was Asher.


Hhaha I feel so evil.

This chapter was kinda short bc I don't wanna cut the flashback in half

Hope you enjoy!


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