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Gen's POV

"Gen" I heard someone say.

I open my eyes and look up.  It's Daniel.  I quickly sit up straighter.

"Daniel!  Uh, hi," I say.

"Hi Gen.  Um, I think this is my seat," he says, and plops down beside me.

I blush slightly at the thought of him sitting so close to me.

"Are you ok?  You look flushed," Daniel notices which makes me turn even redder.

"Uh, yeah, it's just hot in here," I lie trying to calm my face down.  That was so embarrassing.

He nods understandingly before shutting his eyes and falling asleep.

Oh my gosh, that was stressful.  Why did he have this effect on me?

I look out the window and we're moving slowly towards the runway.

Oh, great, now the anxiety sets in.

I hate flying.

I've never told anyone because I don't want to seem pathetic, but flying makes me uncomfortable.  The closer we get to the runway, the tighter my hands clench around my chair.

Maybe it someone talks to me or distracts me during it, I can get through this.

Honestly, truth be told, I've never flown so my anxieties and fears are probably way worse than what will most likely ever happen.

I look at Daniel who looks so peaceful.  His eyelashes fan out and his breath is even and quiet.  I shouldn't wake him, but I don't want to start crying.

I sigh, regretting what I'm about to do.  I tap Daniel on the shoulder and his eyes open slowly.

"Hey," I say.  "Um, wanna talk?" I ask.

"Um, sure," he says rubbing his eyes, as he sits up straighter.  "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," I lie wiping sweat from my forehead.

"You look sick.  Are you sure you're ok?" He asks again.  His big blue yes stare into mine with such an intense gaze, I look away.

I'm about to say yes, but the plane starts accelerating rapidly.  I squeak and wrap my arms around Daniel and bury my head in his shoulder.

He laughs in surprise and encloses me in his arms, stroking my hair softly.

"I'm guessing you're scared of flying," he says.

I shut my eyes tightly, and I feel the plane lift off the ground.  I hug him tighter.

"Hey, it's ok, Gen.  It's ok," he whispers softly.

I can't bring myself to look at anything so I focus on his touch.  He's warm and I can feel his muscles underneath the thin layer of fabric.  It's something you can't really see if you look at him, but right now, when I'm pressed up against him, I can feel the strong part of him.

This is nice.  I want to stay here, so I keep my eyes shut until I feel the plane level out.

"Are we safe?" I ask, my voice shuddering.

"Yes, we're safe.  Look out the window Gen," he says and pulls away.

I'm still holding tightly onto his arms, but I slowly open my eyes and glance out the window.

So, this is what I'm missing?

It's beautiful.

"Beautiful," Daniel says, echoing my thoughts.

one flight (djs)Where stories live. Discover now