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Daniel's POV

I am floating.  Everything is white and bright and serene.  When I look around, all I see is white light which is blinding me as well as making me calm.

"Where am I?" I ask, my voicing echoing as if I'm inside a deep cave.

No one answers, which doesn't surprise me, and I'm stuck in blinding silence.  I sit and think and all of a sudden I'm looking down.  I can see my body lying on an operating table.

A few doctors mill around my open shoulder, grabbing silver instruments and working on various parts it. All of them are muttering small phrases and words to each other.

A sudden force pulls my body downwards and then I'm lying the table. My mind is alive but I can't feel anything. I see them operate for hours but I don't feel attached to my body.

Finally the doctors stitch up my shoulder and start to push my body onto a bed and into a room. The head doctor leaves and walks towards the waiting room.

Even though I'm in my body I can see what's happening around me.

I see the doctor walking towards the waiting room. All four boys are lying against each other, sleeping soundly, while Gen lies on the couch with Jack's pillow and blanket wrapped around her.

My breath catches at the sight of her. She's so beautiful. Her brown hair is over her face and I know she has a small smile on her face. She always did when she slept.

The Doctor goes over to Gen, and shakes her awake first. She stirs slightly and lifts her head. She looks so tired. Her eyes are still bright with life no matter how exhausted she looks though.

They speak a few words before Gen stands up, shrugging the blanket off her shoulders, the cover falling to a pile on the ground.

She walks through the hallways of the hospital before approaching a closed door. Placing a hand in the knob, she opens the door to where my body is.

The same force pulls me down again but this time I can feel everything. I feel all the pain and I want to scream. But I can't. I can't open my mouth or say anything. I feel completely trapped.

"Hi Daniel," she starts and I desperately wish I could talk back to her.

She stops for a moment, and I tell that she's crying.

"They said you died on the table twice but they got you back.  They also said they didn't know why because you got shot in the shoulder, so it shouldn't have been so bad," she says standing up and pacing around my body.

"I'm sorry.  I know it's my fault.  I shouldn't have put you in that situation," she starts pacing around me. I wish I could get up and give her a tight hug and tell her it's not her fault. But the only thing holding me back is my body. And I hate that.

"Corbyn keeps telling me it's not fault but I can't stall thinking about your scream when you got shot. That broke my heart, Daniel. I put you through that pain. And I don't think I can forgive myself," her voice shakes.

Her pacing comes to a halt and she plops in her chair, clearly tired from what's been going on.

"Daniel, you're amazing. You have the most infectious smile and I wish I could see it. I'd rather see your smile than you lying in a hospital, after you got shot in the shoulder,"

Silence fills the room, and I'm not sure if she's left the room but I feel her hand on my hand.

"You mean the world to me. And my world fell apart when you did. I don't want to ever make you go through that again,"

I can hear her voice breaking and I can feel my heart breaking. The way this conversation is going, I know it won't end well.

"I wish we never met."

Those words hit me like a slap in the face. Everything stopped. She can't be serious.

"If we never met, you'd be safe. You wouldn't be here and you'd be happy," she says through tears.

But I wouldn't be happy, I think in my head.

She holds my hand and lays her head in my chest gently.

"I need to protect you, Daniel. You mean to much to me and I can't bear to see you like this. Ever again. So I'm putting an end to it. I'm going to go back to Asher's tour. I'm going to pretend I'm dating him and we're going to forget we ever met each other. You'll be happier, and that's what matters," she speaks

I want to yell. I want to be angry and throw something. I also want to cry for years. I want my mom to hold me while I sob like a baby. How could I lose something like her? I had her in my fingers and she fell through like sand.

She placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "I love you Daniel James Seavey. From the bottom of my heart,"

That was the last thing I heard before she walked away. I fell apart. I heard a loud beep, indicating that I was flatlining.

I fell into darkness.

The next time I woke up, all the guys were in my room.

"Hey, are you feeling ok?" Jonah asks me.

No, I want to say. My girlfriend walked out on me and I don't even want to live anymore.

"Yeah," I lie.

"The doctor says you can leave the hospital in a day or two depending on how you feel," Corbyn says. I know he's saying it to try to make me feel better, but it doesn't do anything.

"Hey, where's Gen?" Zach asks to which Jack kicks his leg.

"She's gone," I say.

"What do you mean by that?" Corbyn asks.

"She's going back on tour with Asher, and she wants to pretend we never met," I say, my voice breaking.

The boys go silent.

"It's ok," I say. "I'll be ok. Just don't talk about it to me please,"

"Ok, we won't then," Jonah says.

"Is it ok if we stay in the hospital with you until you get released?" Jack asks.

"I'd like that," I say honestly.

"But first, let's get some food from the vending machine," Zach suggests.

All the other guys leave to grab food, while Corbyn stays back.

"Daniel, everything will be ok. We'll fix it in due time, alright? Just trust the process," he tells me.

"I will. I just miss her a lot," I say.

"We miss her too," he says.


lol no idea how to end this haha and also the scenario with Daniel's body makes no sense so sorry haha

Hope you enjoyed


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