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Why is karma so rude?  Like seriously.  I just got my life together.  I have a nice boyfriend.  I wasn't getting death threats anymore and I was finally friends with my famous ex boyfriend. 

Wow that does not sound normal.

I take a deep breath.  Well as deep of a breath as I can without disturbing the other two people in the car.  Thank goodness they're not in the back with me.

Now, when I was actually kidnapped, I was terrified(well I wasn't terrified because I was passed out due to chloroform) but now I wake up a few hours later and we're still driving.

I am lying down in the backseat on my side, my hands tied together with a tight rope.  My head still hurt so I just tried to relax and even my breathing so I didn't disturb them.

The two in front weren't talking.  The car was dead silent except for a quiet song coming through the radio.

It was quiet for a very long time before they started speaking in hushed tones

"What are we going to do with her?" the man asks first.

"Well, isn't it obvious?  She needs to pay for her mistakes.  She's made to many to get away with," the lady says angrily.

Bro, I don't even know these people I don't think.  I mean I haven't really been able to see their faces so maybe I do know them.  But I don't know any psychopath who would want to kill me.

"Wasn't she dating some guy from a boy band?" the man continues, noticing the woman's anger.

"No, he's dating a model" she states.  "And if he gets in our way, I won't hesitate to remove him from the situation," she adds.

I'm not going to lie, that sounded terrifying.  They were obviously talking about Daniel.  I was not going to let Daniel get hurt. 

"Oh,". He pauses.  "So, what are we going to do with her in LA?"

"We'll take her to the Hollywood sign and throw her off," she says in all seriousness.  "At night of course, so no one sees".

My heart drops below the ground and fear paralyzes my arms.  They want to....throw me off the Hollywood sign?  Oh my gosh, that's horrifying.

Why is my day just getting worse progressively?

First, I got kidnapped during a date and now they're taking me who knows where? I mean, they hadn't done anything relatively horrible to me so right now I'm just kind of laying here until they get to wherever they're going, but every time I make a loud sound my heart drops to my toes as the person in the passenger turns to glance at me.  When that happens, I close my eyes tightly and feign sleep.

After a while, the man drifts off to sleep leaving the driver and me the only awake ones in the car.

"Hey, wake up," the woman who's driving shakes the shoulder of the man in the passenger seat.  The man slowly stirs awake, rubbing his eyes before replying in a deep voice.


"I'm going to stop soon.  You wake her up and evaluate her and I'll get something to eat and drink for us,". The woman's voice has an air of confidence and it's clear she's the boss.

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