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"Now that's not very nice of you Ms. Genevieve," a voice says.

The person I ran into is none other than...Daniel.

A huge sigh leaves my mouth and I practically melt into him.  As much as I can considering I'm practically frozen to death.

His arms wrap around me tightly and he holds me as I try to form words. 

I have no energy to say anything because I had just spent the last ten minutes sprinting for my life, so I just pant heavily and try to use what's left of my strength to hold onto him.

"Oh my gosh, Gen I'm so glad you're ok," he whispers over and over.

My hands are on his chest and I smile into his shirt.  His warmth is pressing into me and I can feel it all the way into my feet.

He lifts his head up.  "Gen, do you even know what's going on?"

I shake my head.  "I don't even know who those people are," I say quietly.

"I do," he says.  My heart stops.

"How?" I ask.

"If I tell you, you might want to sit down," he tells me.  He starts to pull away but I attempt to pull him back towards me.  I need the warmth.  I'm so cold right now. I also need the stability.

"Gen, what's wrong," he asks, holding his hand up to touch my face.  As soon as he does, he pulls his hands away.  "You're so cold, how did I not notice?" he says, starting to pull off his coat to swing around me. 

"Can you walk very well?" he questions.  I shake my head slightly. I'm pretty sure if I tried to walk around, I'd fall or my knee would give out.

He nods and before I know it, Daniel has picked me up and is holding me bridal style.  He starts to walk some way.  I have no idea where he's going.  I don't really care where he's going.  I just want to be with him.

After walking for a few minutes, we approach his car. He walks up to the passenger door and helps me inside. Then he quickly turns the car on so I can warm up.

The warm air fills the car, allowing my body to defrost and finally I can move my fingers and toes. I hold my hands closer to the vent.

When I glance over at Daniel, he's just staring at me with a concerned look on his face.  His piercing eyes gaze into mine.  How long has he been staring at me?

"What?" I ask.

"I'm just really happy you're ok," he says simply.  He takes his hand and gently clutches one of my frozen ones, and runs his thumb in circles.  Small sparks of electricity run though my arm.

I ignore it and turn my attention to the subject of importance right now.  "So, who are those people? And why are they interested in me?"

Daniel pauses for a moment, taking his other hand and rubbing it nervously on his leg.

"They're um....they're Asher's parents," he says simply.

"What?" I ask.

Asher's parents?  I hadn't even met his parents before because he would never let me.  That's crazy.  What did they have against me?  Apparently enough anger to want to throw me off the Hollywood sign.

"Are you ok?" Daniel asks, noticing my angry face.  I notice how my hands are clenched under his.

Unclenching my hand, I look back up at Daniel.  "Yeah, I'm just confused and scared.  I never met his parents so I'm not sure why they would want to throw me off the Hollywood sign," I explain and Daniel's eyes widen.

"They want to...throw you....off the.... Hollywood... sign?" he asks in disbelief.

"That's what I heard," I admit.

Daniel looks into my eyes before wrapping me in a right hug.  I'm not expecting it so I freeze up in an awkward position before loosely wrapping my arms around his neck.  He rests his head in the crook of my neck and my head rests on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Gen.  I shouldn't have let you go.  I shouldn't have dated Caroline.  I should have never left you with Asher.  I-"

"Daniel!" I interrupt him.  "Asher's ok.  We made up.  We're on ok terms now,"

He furrows his eyebrows before nodding.  "Ok, if you say so".

We sit in silence before Daniel decides to put his car into drive. He starts to drive. I'm not completely sure where. But we drive for a while.

After an hour of aimless driving, Daniel pulls into a driveway and slowly stops the car. We're beside a hotel.

Daniel turns off the ignition and rolls the windows down so air can still flow in and out of the car.

"Let's go in and stay the night. Then we can figure stuff out in the morning," Daniel suggests.

"Can we just stay out here and talk?" I ask. I don't want to go in and be formal. I like how we are right now. We're so much calmer right now and we flow better together when it's informal.

"Yes, of course. What do you want to talk about?" He leans closer to me, his eyes staring into mine. He sounds so genuinely interested in my life. What could you not love about Daniel Seavey? He was caring, talented, and sweet, and not to mention totally gorgeous.

"Let's talk about you. I've talked to much about myself. I wanna hear about you," I explain.

"Ok, let's do it.  But I have a blanket in the trunk.  Let me get it and we can move to the back," Daniel says, already out of his car to grab the blanket.

I go to the backseat and Daniel soon climbs in after me.  He has one arm wrapped around my shoulder and the other one plays with a strand of my hair.

Daniel talks. About everything. His tour, his band mates, and even his feelings. He talks for a long time. So long that the air outside has went from semi warm to practically frigid.

"Let's go inside now.  I'm cold," I say to Daniel.

He agrees but we sit for a few more seconds just to soak in the serenity of tonight.

"You don't think they'll find us again?" I ask him quietly.

"I don't think so. And besides, we drove randomly so the chance of them finding us is super low," he assures me.

"Are you sure about that?" A voice asks.

The man and the women both appear in front of our window holding a gun to our heads. I go silent and my body starts involuntarily shaking.

"Well, isn't this a lovely surprise?"


geez the cliffhangers never end haha

Hope you enjoyed


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