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well, since you are listening to my story let me tell you about myself.

Hi, I am ShreyaGupta, in short Ray. I am an Indian and I live in Delhi. I am a tomboy at heartand 16 years old studying in class 11th. I have long ,wavy, thick jet blackhair with light brown skin, and a petite frame{I'm only 5'4}. I have a veryskinny frame and when I say skinny i mean more or less like a stick along with big, black doe shaped eyes, a perfect nose and thinlips. i havve the power of telekinesis and telepathy. how i got it even i don't know but all i know is how to hide it from others.

Now let me introduce my group, my best friends. 

First, we have Jeena or Jamie. she is the sunshine of our group. Always smiling and making Dad jokes even though are not really funny but her laugh is just contagious. She has Long curly brown hair with a perfect tan skin and chocolate brown eyes. She is 5'6.

Second, we have Reid. He is the quiet one. But he is really popular. With his porcelain white skin, Jet black hair like me and bright blue eyes anybody can fall for him. But he is not the talking type and only talks to the people in our group and is really tall. He is 6'2. he doen't get angry easily but once he does 

Third and the last, wehave the clown of our group which is Mister Ankit Chaudhary. He is the one whocould only breathe and make everyone laugh. He is the kindest of us all and theangriest too. He has a really short temper so tends to get angry at everylittle thing. He is 5'10 and has curly black hair, tan skin like me and Jamie and hazel coloured eyes.

Next we have the most infuriating and idiotic person in the world and the play boy of our school Mr. Zyad Ali. He has porcelain white skin with black hair and grey eyes. His height is almost 6'1. him having such good lokks is because of his  father since he is a Persian,  but that does not compensate for the obnoxious attitude he has.

Last and the least , we have our play boy's girlfriend Ms. Jasmine Kaur. She is my height, with pretty white skin, perfect curvy body and long, wavy brown hair. She has black eyes like me but with a shitty attitude. 

now that you know about  everybody lets get into the story.   

[hey guys, this is my first story hope you like it. don't forget to comment below. let me know what you think so far.]

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