What did you see?!!

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The rest of the day went fast. The news of me beating up Jasmine spread like a wild fire,but i did not get into any trouble since the authorities got the real image of the situation when they asked the girl that was harassed and Jasmine was let off with a warning. 

My school was walking distance from the society / apartment i lived in. i walked back  to my apartment and took out the keys from my bag. i walked in the silent apartment.Both my parents are lawyers so there are rarely times when they are at home. i put the key in the cupboard and went to take a shower. After taking a shower i ate the Aloo ka Paratha  mom had left me and sat down to do my home work. It took me 4 hrs to complete today's sociology assignment, but it was worth it and i was satisfied with my work. It was currently 7:30 pm and i was allowed to stay out of home only till 9. 

i locked the apartment as i went out to take a walk or rather should i say to let it out.  it has been bothering me since i had felt it during the fight and needed to let it out. i walked to the isolated park at the end our society line. the area here was also really isolated since no one comes to this part of the society. The park was the part of another society but was locked up due to some legal cases. in short it was an isolated park and my secret place. People say that its haunted, but the reason why its haunted is ME. You will see what i mean in a few lines ahead.

I walked to the park with my mask and cap on. I was wearing Denim jeans, with a  black and white Flannel. The more close I was getting to the park, the more i felt getting out of control. the moment I reached to the park, I spread my arms wide and felt the energy rushing out of my hands. I opened my eyes and saw the yellow glittering light coming out of hand.  All the dried leaves on the land were floating in the air. Yes, You guessed it right  i have the power of TELEKINESIS.  I have this power since birth and no one knows how i got  it. The only one knowing about my powers are my parents and my best friends who are my only family.

It felt good to release the power. i could feel it suppressing ad i was gaining control over it slowly. Just as i was going to fold my hands in a fist and end this-

" AAAAAAHHH!!!" i  heard a scream from behind me. i turned around to see a guy of my age was floating in the air. I quickly released and he fell on the ground with a thud. i hid my hands and  slowly walked towards him. As i reached closer, i saw his face properly and let out a gasp. 

''ZYAD!!!" i shouted. the boy looked over at me and confirmed my suspicions. IT WAS ZYAD ALI. 

"How do you know-. your eyes." he asked with a horrified face as he pointed his finger at me slowly backing away. i knew what he was saying. my eyes were Glittery bright yellow shade now. it always happened after i used my powers, it took them a few hours to get back in there normal colour. i could see him getting more nervous as the time passed. i slowly approached him and- 

"What did you see?!!" i asked him in a deadly tone. 

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