Past *part1

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After re gaining my breath, I started walking towards the hospital trying to get rid of what happened a few minutes ago. I groaned when the scene played in my head again. I could feel the heat rising up to my cheeks even though he wasn't here.'

'Gosh, stop thinking Shreya... ' I said to myself.

I took out my phone as I went through my Spotify list. I plugged in my earphones in many ears as I clicked on 'Egoistic' by Mamamoo. I hummed the tune on my way, helping me divert my ind from that incident. I loved this song SOO much. The beat is catchy, along with the vocals. It's a total package.

I made my way to the hospital with my head down. I felt like someone was watching me,but I brushed off the feeling thinking it was just my paranoia. I went into the elevator and pressed the floor. I greeted the nurses and doctors as usual as I went into his room, sighing when I looked at him.

He was sleeping peacefully. Anyone who would see him could say that he looked in peace, but he wasn't. I know him, he is my brother. A full pack of an energy ball which once charged wouldn't stop bouncing around until someone will hold it down with force. He can never sit still without running around at least 3 times in 5 minutes. It hurt me SOO much to see him like this. I felt like dying, knowing that some way it was my fault that he is like this.

I love him so much. I didn't notice the tears rolling down my cheeks, again. I couldn't hold my emotions in front of him. I had always been like that. I would show my emotions sometimes in front of people .but in front of him I had always felt SOO vulnerable. He could see through me as if I was glass And I was happy about it, beacuse he was the only person in front of whom I could never put on a mask. Even my friends don't know me like that.

Not the strong, sassy and short tempered Shreya,

But the soft, cry baby and goofy Shreya.

You might think, why not use your healing power? I can't risk it. I can't loose him. No matter whatever I say, the hope that he would wake up one day is the only thing making me live. Using my powers on him, is the last thing I wanna do.

I still remember the day when my life was taken away from me. When my brother was taken away from me.

*hope u like the chapter. I took out some time to update since I saw that it was getting views. Do tell me If u want me to update or not. Beacuse I was thinking of dropping this story and starting a new one.

Luv u all!💜💜 stay safe, stay healthy!❤️❤️

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