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" Wait what?! did I hear you say what you said or did I imagine it." I asked with shock. Zyad rolled his eyes from the love seat that he sat from.

" You heard what I said." He mumbled looking down like a kid who was going to be scolded by his mother for doing something very bad. I shook my head at him and put my face in my hands. I groaned in annoyance and disbelief into my hands after listening to him.

" So you are saying that you  are an underground fighter. ILLEGAL ONE. And you have been fighting there for the  past one year, and nobody came to know about it. But somehow today the police came there and everybody had to run away since if they were caught they will be put in the jail. And not to  forget that the people that we  were hiding from were none another than FUCKING POLICE. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" I shouted in the end of my speech, arms waving in the air frantically. 

He  shrugged with an emotionless face, as he looked down on the floor.

" That's pretty much all it is about." he said

" Oh my god! I am keeping a criminal in my home." I said as I started panicking. God! how did my life become such a drama.

" Relax nothing happened. They didn't see my face." he said carelessly. I snapped my face towards him giving him my deadliest glare which immediately mad him shut up as he shrunk back in his seat with fear.After a few minutes of silence he again spoke up.

" Ummm... Not to  be demanding, but can you treat my wounds. My hand and arms are starting to hurt." he said in a quiet voice trying to hide the hiss which came out of his mouth as he spoke.  I took a deep breath and exhaled out trying to calm my anger and panic. I stood up from the bed and went into the kitchen to grab the first aid kit.

'  act mature. act mature. act mature.' i kept repeating these two  words again and again trying to  calm myself  down.

I came  back with a first aid kit and knelled in front of him with an emotionless face.

" Give my your hand." I said with an emotionless face. He complied to my orders quietly. I treated his knuckles and wrapped them with the gauze and bandaged them. The whole time I was treating his wounds  I could fell his stare on me. He didn't say a word but just kept staring at me.

" I am sorry." he at last said with a sigh. I exhaled with a sigh as I treated his lip. He winced a  little when I applied to  much pressure. My eyes softened at his pained face which looked like a baby and I started doing it more tenderly.

" You don't need to say sorry to me. It's your life, do whatever you want to." I said in a soft  voice. After his lip I started treating his cheek.  His stare on my face after I said those lines felt more intense. It was becoming uncomfortable. I felt hard to breath under his intense gaze.My eyes flickered towards his only for a second only to find him concentrating on my face, as if it was the most important thing in  the world. I blushed a little due to it.

" Beautiful.." I heard him whisper.

" Eh?" I asked with a questioning face. He blinked a few times after I asked him as if he came out of a dream and shook his head.
" Nothing, nothing.." he mumbled. I shrugged and carried out my work. After I was done with treating his wounds, I kept the kit back at it's place and went back in my room. Zyad was still perched on my love seat looking deep in thought. I cleared my throat and caught his attention.

" So what now? " I asked while looking around the room. I don't know why but I couldn't look him in the eye. It was maybe because he was staring  at me from the past 5 minutes continuously. His eyes roaming around my body. That's when I realized that I was still wearing my outfit from the mall. I cursed myself mentally and blushed hard when I  found him staring at my stomach.

" Zyad." I spoke in a higher octave. His snapped up to mine as he blinked multiple times as if brought back from a dream. I saw his cheeks turning a red, for some  UNKNOWN REASON.

" Why are you wearing that?" he asked in a tight voice.

" Why? do I not look good?" I asked with a frown, as I unconsciously turned towards the mirror to see myself. He suddenly shook his head to his sides multiple times.

" NO!NO! That's not what I meant. I mean you look really god. I mean not really good but like okay..... no that's  not what I meant... umm...aahhh.. I am just going to shut up now." I heard him say as he turned more red. I giggled internally at his cuteness. If only he was like this all the time i wouldn't hate him. I screamed at myslef for giggling.

'Why are you giggling?'

I quickly moved my face to the other side so he couldn't see my blush. I coughed awkwardly at the situation and roamed my eyes around the room.

" I am asking you what now?" I said with a sigh as I looked at him. His face was still red but not like tomato now.

" I am staying here. " He said with a smirk.

* hope you like the chapter readers ;). Don't forget to comment and vote :)

Stay safe, Stay healthy*

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