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After having a long debate about half an hour, he managed to somehow convince me to come and see his fight. He basically bribed me saying that he will leave me alone for the next 3 days and treat me to ice cream everyday. I mean who says no to ice cream?  I don't.

So now we were walking to his bike, which he had brought for both of us to travel.BUT. HE is a freaking underage driver and I am not going to risk my life.

"You know that you are underage right?!" I said with a tight voice.

"Yeah. But I have my experience so don't worry 😉 " he said with a small smile.

I looked at him with suspicion thinking about whether I want to die or not.

"I am serious Ray. Nothing will happen." He said as we walked out of my society. I sighed because I knew I didn't have a choice. We walked up to his bike, and I couldn't help but drool over his sports bike.

"HOLY SHIT! You have a DUCATI V4S?!!!" I said wth my eyes wide as I ran my fingers along the bikes figure. It was one of my favourite ones, in fact I was thinking of buying one when I was old enough

 It was one of my favourite ones, in fact I was thinking of buying one when I was old enough

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"You know about this?!" He asked with amazement.

"Of course I know about my dream bike, shit head" I said with a smile still looking at the bike.

"You amaze me every time Ray." He said while looking at me. My eyes locked with his as I saw a hint of admiration  and something else but I couldn't uunderstand. I smiled at him as I sat on top of the bike with the helmet I needed my hands.

"Come on . Let's go!" I said with a smile as I laughed a little on the end. He shook his head at my action but I didn't miss the smile that creeped on his. He sat on his bike as he put his helmet on and I followed his actions. He inserted the key and twisted it turning the engine on. It made out a loud roar indicating it's engine as a beast. He looked at me from within his helmet and winked.I rolled my eyes at him as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

I felt his breathing becoming more ragged. His breath hitched when I layed my head on his back.

"Don't think anything. I just don't want to fall." I said with a quite voice. But actually my face was red as a tomato. My heart was beating really fast and I was having a mini nuclear explosion in my stomach. He nodded stiffly as he started the bike making me jerk back from the sudden movement. 

My arms tightened around him as the speed increases. I squealed in excitement as the wind gushed by me making me feel as if I was flying. After 20 minutes we reached an abandoned godown with cheers coming from inside.

"You ready?" He asked.

"You are asking me when you are the one who is going to fight inside..." I said with a poker face.

"Hey come on! I was trying to joke you know." He said with a lazy side smile.

"And who laughs at your stupid, nonsense and non-laughable  jokes." I said with an eyebrow raised.

"Everybody" he said with a proud face as we walked inside the godown.

My reaction-

I shook my head at his stupidness but didn't say anything

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I shook my head at his stupidness but didn't say anything

(While on the inside-

"SAVE HIM GOD" I thought as I went inside the gates, hoping to come out alive

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"SAVE HIM GOD" I thought as I went inside the gates, hoping to come out alive.

*hope u like the chapters readers!! Don't forget to comment, vote and follow me😉🤗

Stay safe, stay healthy💜💜💜*

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