I need you

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I was confused at first. Did he drag me into an empty classroom like pervert/kidnapper just to  ask me this stupid question. He could have asked me like a normal person.

"I didn't want anyone to see me with you."i said

"Why? Do i degrade your status?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. He was still too close for my comfort.

"Yes you do and i also didn't want your girlfriend to see me with u. God knows what she might do." i  mumbled  the last part to myself. I thought he would let go of me but he didn't. He just kept staring at me. I felt as if he was staring at my soul.

'this is getting creepy' i thought

" Can u let me go now?" i asked him with gritted teeth. He looked at me one more time, before moving away. I breathed out in relief. THANK GOD.

I reached out for the door handle when his hand grabbed my wrist.

"What now?" i growled.

He smirked at me before tugging me towards him. I bumped into his chest and his grip on my wrist tightened. He snaked his other arm around me and pulled me closer towards him. My face was RED AS A TOMATO. I looked up at him and was going to as him that why the hell was he behaving like this but he cut me off-


( I am not going to say anything. Let your imaginations run wild  ;))

Stay safe, Stay healthy)

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