What the hell?!!

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I found the first-aid kit in one of the kitchen cabinets. Honestly,  he is really lucky my parents aren't at home. Had they been at home, he would have never entered my house and would have probably been in the police station. My parents are really protective of me like any other typical Indian parent. They might be a little more protective of me since i have powers and they don't want any body hurting me because of that.

I sighed as i went back into the room. Zyad was sleeping peacefully on my bed. Honestly, he looked really cute at the moment not that I am going to say it. I went up to him and dragged a stool beside the bed,sat on it and started working on his bruises.

I  wiped out the blood on his knuckles and lips and bandaged both of his hands. I put some ice packs on his swollen cheeks and eyes to reduce the swelling. Then i took out some antiseptic and started working on the cuts  on his faces. It stung bit cause i saw  the discomfort on his face. I slowly blew some air from my mouth on the cuts and saw him relaxing. After his face was done i saw some blood  on his t-shirt too.

'gosh whom did he had a fight with!!  a dinosaur' i thought

I  slowly lifted up his t-shirt only to see a large cut  on his abdomen and some blueish redish area around his ribs. The cut wasn't that deep but it still was quite large. As for the ribs they were definitely broken. I sighed for the billionth time and looked at the cut.

' he is going to owe me for the help' i thought

I bandaged up the cut properly and then looked at his ribs. If u r thinking that how did i manage to treat him properly,then do u guys honestly think that i never had a broken hand or cuts and bruises while trying to control my power. I had my own sets of bruises which were pretty nasty but i learned how to treat them for future purpose.

' guess i will have to use it.' i thought   

I placed both my hands on his broken area and  closed my and started singing-

 Flowers gleam and glow

let your power shine 

 The blue coloured healing energy emerged from my hand and started to seep inside his body.

Make the clock reverse

bring back what once was mine.

 I could feel his ribs getting back in position and healing.

Heal what has been hurt

change the fates design

Save what has been lost

bring back what once was mine

what once was mine.

 I finished singing and slowly opened my eyes. I removed my hands from the area and saw that it was healed and perfectly fine. I smiled to myself before i heard-


( Hey readers, if ur having any confusion let me clear it for you. Shreya has a number of powers and each one gets represented by different colours. There are also  some  powers that she will discover in this book which she didn't knew she possessed,

And the song that i used is from the movie RAPUNZEL and the name of the song is HEALING INCANTATION  ;))

Stay safe, Stay healthy)

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