Protect me

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"Don't call me that." I growled at him with narrowed eyes. I knew I was blushing because of our proximity but i could care less about that at that time. 

HE.DID.NOT.HAVE.THE.RIGHT.TO.CALL.ME.RAY!!!! He never did and never will. 

He smirked at me and brought his face closer to me. My eyes widened a little but I did not move. Our noses were touching and i could feel his breath on my face. BUT I DID NOT CARE. He was no one to call me by my nick name, only my friends and family did. And what he did afterwards actually made me want to punch him  the face and had butterflies erupting in my stomach at the same time.

H e smiled at me, not an evil one but a genuine one(i suppose) and brushed some hair out of my face.

" Yellow eyes look pretty." he whispered to me. To say i was shocked was an understatement. i was going crazy inside, thinking about what was happening. Then suddenly as if I was being slapped awake from a nightmare, I pushed him back with a little force and-

"Don't play with me Ali." I growled at him. He smirked hearing my statement.

"Well looks like you know my tricks." He purred while walking towards me. This time i stepped back a little and raised my hand in front of him. He flinched and immediately came to a atop, little fear in his eyes.

"What do you want me to do to keep your shitty mouth close?" i asked.

To which he came up to me and stopped a few meters away from me. I breathed relief due to the safe distance but what he said afterwards made me forget how to breathe. He looked me straight into the eyes and said-

"Protect me"

* Hey readers, sorry i know this chapter is very small but i promise coming up would be longer and better.

why do you think he asked her to protect him? is his life in danger? or is there some other reason behind this trick?

Do LEt me know in the comments section below and don't forget to vote the story 

Stay safe, Stay healthy**

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