The End

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*Third person p.o.v

It had been two weeks since that incident and the whole school knew about it.
Ray, had distanced herself from everyone. Her family, friends and especially Zyad.

Everybody was worried for her. They had never seen her like this. The last time her family saw her like this was after that accident.

Same was with Zyad. He was never seen in the school and everyday he used to wait infront of her house, hoping to catch a glimpse of her.
To even get a chance to talk to her, but everything was vain.

Then one day, he got a call from Reid.
Reid was seeing everything from the starting. He wasn't the one to meddle into problems, but he just couldn't see both of you like this. He would never admit it out loud, but you both looked really cute with each other.

He knew that Zyad was repenting about his past. He could see that he loved you a lot but he also knew that it wasn't easy to win you back, so he had decided to talk with him.

"You called?" Zyad said as he walked towards him.
Reid nodded in response as he told him to enter the car.

"I wanted to talk." Reid said as he gotbinto the drivers seat.
Zyad followed his actions and only nodded knowing what was the matter.

"You love her don't you." Reid said as he turned towards him with a serious expression.

"Yes I do." Zyad responded instantly.

"But you broke her." He said.

"And I can fix it to." Zyad said with determination.

"How are you so sure?" Reid asked.

" I love her. I lost her once, but I am not gonna loose her again. I will win her back. No matter what happens." He said with determination in his eyes.

Reid smiled at him as he nodded his head.
"I hope so too."

*The end

*At last its the end!! Now I can start working on my next story!! I hope you liked this story!
Don't forget to comment and vote!!♥️♥️
Luv u guys!💜💜
See u in the next book!😉😉

Stay safe, stay healthy*

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