Thank you

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" W-W-WHAT?!" I shouted, cursing myself at the same time for stuttering. He didn't reply for a few seconds, then I felt something cold and watery on my neck. I felt his body shake a little against mine.

' HE IS CRYING!!' I thought.

" hey, Are you crying?" I asked him softly,with him still hugging me tightly. This question only made his sobs louder. Gosh,  what did he see in his dreams to make him so terrified. I slowly rubbed his arms to make him feel comfortable. His sobs got louder second by second.After some time, he pulled out his head from our earlier position, and unwrapped his arms around me.

The sudden change caused a shiver to run down my spine.  I hate  to admit it but his arms around me gave me a different type of warmth. I felt safe and warm.It felt home.

' I shouldn't be feeling such things.'i thought.

" Sorry." he said in a quite voice as he looked at me with puffy red eyes. I only shook my head in response and ran my fingers through his hair gently. He closed his eyes at the sensation and took a deep breath in.  He started rocking himself gently which caused me to move along with him. That's when I realized that I was still sitting on his lap which caused me to become red like a tomato. 

I slowly got off his lap and laid down beside him. He didn't ask anything and followed my moves. He laid beside me with his body facing me as he kept staring at me, while I was laying on my back, facing the ceiling.

'The only reason why I was not facing him was because I was scared. Today when he held me close  I felt something which I never had. And I am scared, that if I feel it again I might get attached to him. '

 The moment I laid my head on my soft pillow exhaustion took over me. I felt as if thousands of bricks were laid on my eyes. My eyes slowly started closing as I felt something being put over me.

 I felt an arm being wrapped around my waist and something soft being pressed against my forehead. The last thing I heard was faint " Thank you" before sleep took over me.

* cute.. would try to update more regularly but can't promise anything..

Stay safe, stay healthy :)*

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