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" But where?" i asked in confusion. Jamie stood up and went to my closet to check for something to wear. Seriously, she has so many mood swings. One minute she is all serious and worried  and the other she is laughing and talking like nothing happened.

' she is crazy.' i thought

" Still you love me." She said as she turned around for a second and gave me one of her extremely contagious smiles and then went back to rummage through my closet. My brows furrowed in confusion when I realized that I had thought a little loudly. I smiled at her and sat up from my earlier position.

" You go and take a shower, I will search something for you." she said without looking at me still looking through my closet.

" Yes ma'am." I said and gave her a mock salute which she thankfully didn't see. Otherwise I would had to listen to another lecture. I got up and strolled towards the bathroom. I put my hair in a bun and then went to brush my teeth.After brushing my teeth I went to take a shower. 

Normally I wouldn't take shower after I brush my teeth for at least 2 hours but today is special. I opened the shower and let the hot water take away all my stress. It felt euphoric. I felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulder. I shampooed my hair with my cherry fragrance one and then scrubbed my body with my strawberry body wash. After taking my pleasurable time in the shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and went out of the bathroom.

" You are still looking for an outfit.. COME ON MAN! Just let me wear a shirt and jeans." I said with a groan. That's the reason I always avoid letting her choose an outfit. SHE TAKES FOREEEEEVERRRRRRRRR!  

" No. You always wear that." she said, still rummaging through my closet. I rolled my eyes as I sat on the bed still wrapped in a towel. Water dripped from my body on to the floor and the bed.

" Got it." she said as she turned around with a beaming smile and the outfit in her hands . The moment I saw the outfit, my eyes bulged out of my sockets.

" NO, NO,NO... OH HELL NO!" I said while shaking my head  to the sides vigorously. The outfit she had chosen consisted of a short tank top along with high waist jeans.

( the outfit looks like the one below except the jacket)

( the outfit looks like the one below except the jacket)

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" Why not? It would look really good on you." she stated while rolling her eyes. I was still shaking my head in disagreement. I didn't even know that this top existed. Must have bought during m stupid teenage years.

" I am not asking you to wear this Ray. I AM TELLING YOU TO WEAR THIS." she said with a glare. I shrunk under her intense gaze and agreed, but not without throwing curses at her. She poked her tongue out at me and went outside the room. I changed into the outfit and looked myself in the mirror. I had stopped wearing this top long ago, I don't remember why but they stopped feeling me. I didn't like wearing them, but I do look hot. 

' one time won't hurt right?' i thought.

I sighed as I opened my bedroom door to let Jamie in and look at my outfit. The moment she saw her eyes went wide as a saucer and seconds later she started squealing and jumping up and down telling me how good I  looked and  that I should wear such things often. I gave her a little smile as I looked at her.

She was such a darling. Always there for me and had never let me go. I don't know what I had done if she had not been there with me when that incident happened and when I had discovered my powers. She along with Ankit and Reid used to come to my house every time I had nightmares. Be it 1:00 in the night.  They have always been there for me and I hope that I always  be there for him. All the time I was thinking i didn't hear a single word she was saying. She looked at me after finishing her babbling as if expecting an answer. But her expression suddenly changed to worried one.

"why are you crying?" she asked with a worried expression. I hadn't even realized that I was crying all the time thinking about how our friendship had grown. I wiped my tears and hugged her tightly. She immediately wrapped her arms around me and started rubbing my back with her hands in a soothing circular motion. I snuggled my face deeper into her neck as a few tears escaped my eyes. 

I heard my main door open and lifted my teary face to see Ankit and Reid standing there with some packets in their hand. I was still hugging Jamie tightly not wanting to let go of her. The moment they saw my teary eyes,  the packets fell from their hands as they rushed towards me and hugged me and Jamie. More tears filled my eyes as I saw there concerned  faces. I cried a little before saying-

"I love all of you so much. I really hope that we  always remain friends forever ad ever. I will never let go off any of you"

* I am crying while writing this. I hope you like it readers :)

Stay safe,  stay healthy*

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