Danger.... AGAIN!

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After visiting him I went back home. Remembering the horrid memory of that day, definitely took a toll on me, so I have decided to spend the rest of my day watching Netflix and doing chill.

I was currently dancing around the house in my pajamas and earphones plugged in with BTS - Blood, Sweat and tears on repeat. I danced along the beat as I gathered all the stuff I needed to take back in my room so that I do not have to come out of my den again.

After gathering all of my stuff, I went back into my room and snuggled into the blankets with a bowl of Maggi in my left hand and  the TV remote in my other. Just as I was going to start watching the fourth episode of WHAT IS WRONG WITH SECRETARY KIM, my bloody phone rang.

I groaned loudly as I picked it up and saw the name of the caller. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and anger as I saw the name of the caller.


I decided to ignore it and went back to watching the drama. I picked up the phone on the fourth call, totally irritated by the fact that he was calling me at this moment. Don't get me wrong. I really like him. But when it's me time, then it's me time.


"There should be a bloody good reason for you to call me now." I hissed on the phone the moment I picked it up. But I didn't hear any reply on the other side. Thinking it was a prank I was going to cut the call until I heard a scream on the other line. 

Okay, that got my attention. I hurriedly put the phone near my ear to hear the voices. I heard the sound of someone getting punched and bones breaking, making me flinch. Oh god, what was happening with him now?

I dashed into my bathroom changing my clothes, while jumping on one leg trying to get fit into the jeans.

"Zyad. Zyad speak to me. Where in the name of hell are you?" I  screamed into the phone.

"Market. Sector- 12. Khandar. Please." I heard Zyad's faint voice on the other side, before the line went  dead. It didn't take me a second more than to realise that he was in danger.



Suga is the most relatable person in the world

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Suga is the most relatable person in the world..😋😋😉😉💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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