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I slowly opened my eyes as I felt someone shaking me. It was really difficult at first, it felt as if bricks were kept on my eyes. But after fluttering them open and close for the next 30 seconds I finally opened them and saw a nurse standing in front of me with  a kind smile on her face.

" Come on beta. It's already 9. The time is over." she said in a soft voice. I nodded as rubbed my hands on my face. The dry tear stains made my skin feel itchy as I felt my puffy eyes. I slowly stood up giving one last kiss to my buddy as I walked out off the room. 

I walked out off the hospital still thinking about  him. Only if I could change the past nothing would have happened and we would be playing together at home.

I walked into the lift as I pushed my floor button. I searched my bag for the keys as the lift was going up. The lift dinged indicating my floor came. I was still rummaging through my bag as I stepped out of lift.

" Where are my goddammit keys?!!" I asked to my self in anger.

As I was walking towards my house, I didn't see the large sleeping figure besides my door. This caused me to trip and fall face first on the floor as my things went flying on the floor. I groaned as got up from my  lying position, rubbing my side of head trying to swallow back the tears forming in my eyes.

Don't judge me. THAT HURTS LIKE SHIT!

I looked back to see what bulldozer was parked in front of my house. Only to find a certain boy with curly hair and innocent sleeping face, sleeping in front of my apartment gate in a fetus position.

I groaned as I sucked in air and shouted at the top of my voice--


*Hope you like the chapter readers. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Stay safe, stay healthy :)*

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