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" excuse me?! what do you mean by I AM STAYING HERE? You aren't the one deciding that." I yelled in anger at him. Who is he, the president? He rolled his eyes at me and sat back comfortably on the love seat. 

"Yes I am. It's too late I can't go back home otherwise I will be caught. I will tell them that I am staying the night at my friends house." He said while looking at me. I stomped my feet and turned to my cupboard. I took out a large t-shirt and shorts and went into the bathroom to change.

" What are you doing?" He asked while looking at his phone. He raise his head and raised an eyebrow at me.

" Going to change so that you can stop eye raping me." I sneered at him and shut the door of the bathroom. But i didn't  miss his eyes widening at my words and blush creeping up to his face.

" I-I w-w-wasn't doing that!" Hes aid while stumbling at his words. I rolled my eyes from inside the bathroom and ignored him. After changing I went out only to find him peacefully sleeping on my bed. I closed my eyes and exhaled. I couldn't so anything about it now and I was myself tired from today's drama, so I decided to let him sleep this time.

I turned around to leave the room to go and sleep in my parent's room but stopped at the sound of whimpering. I turned around to see Zyad shifting in his position. I looked at him for a minute then realized-

' he is having a nightmare.' i thought

 My eyes softened at his sight.He was shifting in his position continuously while shaking his head to the sides.I reached up to him and slowly shook him.

" Zyad wake up it's just a dream." i said as I shook him.  At last he woke up, his eyes opening at he speed of lighting. He jumped  in his position and immediately sat up. Beads of sweat were forming on his forehead. He was panting and gasping for here, his eyes searching around the room for a danger that wasn't there. I rubbed his arms tenderly as he looked at me, his eyes relaxing a bit at my sight.

" It's all right, everything is fine. I am right here." I said softly while slowly running hands through his hair, trying to calm him down. This was something my mom used to do when he had nightmares.

Slowly his breathing got back to a normal pace as he closed his eyes. After a few minutes of convincing my self that he was okay now, I stood up to go to my parents room to sleep when suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pulled me backwards, making me fall on his lap.The instant I fell on his lap my face turned red as a tomato. He picked me up as if I weighed nothing and adjusted me into a position which only made me blush harder.I was sitting on his lap, with both my legs on either side of his waist. In short, It looked like I was straddling him. I looked  up at him with my red face, to only find him already staring at me.

If what he did wasn't enough he suddenly hugged me tightly. His muscular but thin arms wrapped tightly around my waist while he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. His breaths causing shivers to run down my spine. His lips brushing against my skin making jolts of electricity run through my body.My small body pressed against his large one, tightly, making it hard to breathe. 

 ' it feels really hot .' i thought

" w-what are y-y-you doing?" I asked shakily still not hugging him. My arms were still hanging in the air while his arms only tightened around my waist after hearing my question.I was starting to have a mental breakdown by this time, thinking about our current position.

" Please, just sleep with me here tonight. I really need you." I heard him mumble against my neck.

* Hope u like the chapter readers.;)

Stay safe, stay healthy* 

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