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 You might ask, how do you know? It's just been two weeks since you met him and the worry might be the same as you worry for any other of your friend. 

But I knew that what I was feeling was not just worry, I felt the need to protect him. Every time he got hit by the giant, my heart skipped a beat. I literally felt like crying.

The giant landed another punch on him, making me put my hands on my ears instinctly to block out his scream. I closed my eyes as I kept my head down. I couldn't handle any of this. I couldn't handle him being hurt. Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I heard another scream. I didn't know whose it was but I was thinking it was his, since he was the one who was getting beaten up.

Suddenly there was an extremely loud scream and then everything went silent. It was a pin drop silence and I could hear my own breathing. In the next second the whole room erupted in cheers but I didn't open my eyes. I was too scared to even look at the ring.

Is he alright?

Who won? He didn't' die, right? 

Thousands of question were running out of my mind as I kept thinking about what was happening. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't see a certain curly hair coming down from the ring with his victory money in his hand. 

My thoughts were stopped by a warm hand placed on  my left cheek. My eyes shot open as I looked up to see whose hand it was. And there in front of me was a beaten up Zyad. Even though he was sitting on his knees I still had to look up to see his face properly.

The moment I saw him I started crying hysterically. His face was swollen up and one of his eyes were almost the colour black. I could see the huge bruise which was forming on his chest. Blood came out of his nose as beads of sweat rolled down his face.

I hugged him tightly as I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck, crying. His arms instantly wrapped around my waist hugging me tightly. I was SOO scared and worried at that moment that I missed the jealous stares coming from the women in the area.

"Are you a fucking idiot?!! Do you have any idea how scared I was!!!" I shouted at him through my tears. He didn't reply to my question and only looked at me with soft eyes. A small smile played on his lips , as he tucked a strand of hair behind my hair. He slowly leaned in and kissed my forehead. 

The moment his lips came in contact with my skin my whole body went on fire. In that moment I felt like there was no one else in this room and only the two of us.

The feeling felt heavenly. I closed my eyes to control my feelings because this was not the right time or the plaice to let them free.I sobbed a little more until there were no tears left to cry.He pulled back and laid his forehead on mine. We were close, our noses were touching and we were breathing the same air. But at this moment, I didn't care. All I wanted was to have him near me. And I will do anything just to remain in this moment

He took my right hand in his left one and placed it on his left cheek.

"I am sorry. " he said in a sincere voice, our forehead still touching. It only made the water work start again. God I thought I was gonna die.

"Please don't do this again. I beg you." I said in a quiet voice. I opened my eyes, and saw him grinning at me like a Cheshire Cat. I blushed at the words that I said to him. Even after getting beaten up SOO badly he still looked perfect.

Seeing him like that only made a smile come on my face as I chucked slightly. He leaned in and kissed my nose making my face go tomato mode.

He  chuckle at my expression and shook his head. Our little moment was I interrupted by a cough which came from a the left side. We both jolted away from each other as we looked at the source of disturbance. It was a man who looked like he was embarrassed for ruining our moment but couldn't help it.  The whole room was looking at us. Some with jealous stares while others with a small smile on their face, reminding me of the face old people make when they see young couple, as if remembering their own youth story. Zyad nodded at him as he took his hand in mine and swiftly made out of there.

Once we were out of there, he looked at me from the corner of his eyes and said-

"Let's go home."

* hope u like the chapter reader's. There is a big plot twist coming up, so don't give up on me . ❤️❤️❤️

Stay safe , stay healthy

😍😍 luv u all💜💜💜💜*

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