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Today was just like any other day. I was strolling thorugh the park, with Zyad's hand intelaced with mine.
We walked around the park, with me occassionally smiling at the kids who went pass us.

I was soo focused on my surroundings that I didn't notice Zyad staring at me with hearts in his eyes.
When I felt like someone was staring at me I turned my head to the side as I looked up at him.

"What?" I asked in confusion.
He only shook his head in response as he tugged some strands of hair behind my ear.

"You look beautiful." He said with a cheeky smile. Colour rose to my cheeks in an instant as I looked on other side.
"Shut up." I said with a laugh as I slapped him on the had playfully.
He laughed along, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, to which I leaned in and sighed contently.

Everything was perfect. And that's when you know that something bad is going to happen and just like that we bumped in Jasmine.

She was with her dog, Cherry and her air pods plugged in. Her face went red with rage when she saw us.

"Ohhh. So now I know why you broke up with me? So you can get together with this b*Tch, huh?" She said with a sneer.
Zyad's arm tightened it's grip around me as he ignored her and started walking. But she grabbed my arm, her nails piercing thorugh my skin making me hiss in pain.

"Let her go." I heard him say with a growl. This was really scary. I have never seen him angry. Never. And by the looks of pure horror on the face of Jasmine I could tell that she was scared too.

She let go off my arm immediately as she stepped back a little. I cradeled my arm and saw blood seeping out of the cuts. Ughhhh!!! I hate her.

Then suddenly she started smiling like a maniac. She ran a hand through her hair as she looked up at me.

"He hasn't told you. Has he?" She said with a smirk. I heard Zyad's breath hitch from behind making my insides churn.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Don't you know? Honey, he doesn't love you. All he is doing is fooling you. Everything he is doing for the last 5 months is all fake." She said

"What?!! Are you crazy??!" I asked in rage. I was really trying to control my powers so I do not it blast her into space. Is she really hurt that Zyad left her for me that she has started speaking nonsense?
But what she said after, perfectly broke me on the inside.

"Everything he is doing is all for the bet." She said with a stoic expression.

*That was the twist I was talking about! I hope you like it.
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Luv u guys!!💜💜💜
Stay safe, stay healthy!🥰🥰😁😁*

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