I can never trust you.

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" What Did you say?!!!" I shouted at him. I was going crazy. What did he mean by protecting him? Is he a 5 year old baby who needs to be protected? And from whom? and Why?

" you heard me. I need you to protect me." He said coolly. My face was red with anger. Who did he think he was to order me around like that. I am neither his friend not his servant.

"And who are you? The president of this country. What are you 5 that you need a girl to protect you?" i asked him angrily.

" Nope, not just any girl, a girl with super powers." He said while smiling tauntingly at me. I so wanted to punch him in the face and make that smile vanish from his face.

" So tell me what do you say RAY?" he asked. I knew he was doing this on purpose. He was trying to rile me up so that i can give the answer that he wants, but i knew his trick and i would never do that.  I Ignored him and started walking out of the park.

Suddenly a hand grabbed my waist and i was pinned down on the ground. The speed at which this action took place made my head a little fuzzy. I realized that i was  on the ground with my hands pinned down on either side of my heads with Zyad hovering me. Our faces were close, not too much but i did not like it.

" Answer me." he said in a serious tone. I made an annoyed face at him  and turned my head to the side.I didn't want to answer him. i saw him lean down and felt his breath on my ear, making me shiver a little. He opened his mouth and said-

" You can trust me. I won't tell a soul about what happened here if you agree." He purred into my ear, his lips slightly touching my ear lobe. I was furious as hell at this point.

This Bastard here was BLACK MAILING me!!! I whipped my head towards him and saw amusement flash in his eyes. 

'This bastard was enjoying this game.' i thought angrily.

 I looked him straight in the eye and said-

"I can never trust you"

(* phew * that was intense. What do u think would be Zyad's reaction? Do you think that Ray would agree?

Comment down below your thoughts and don't forget to vote.  Stay safe, stay healthy)  

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