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"I know your voice, its very familiar..." he said while making a cute thinking face.

cute?!! What are you thinking Ray, since when did  you start finding him cute.  I shook my head and erased those thoughts. I looked back at him only to find him already staring at me. I knew my eyes were probably looking like Edward Cullen from Twilight. 

The staring continued for a few more seconds, but it felt like an eternity. I was starting to feel uncomfortable, so i averted my eyes away from him and looked on my right.

"SHREYA!!" Zyad said in shock, while looking at me. My head snapped at the speed of light the moment i heard my name out of his mouth. 

"SHIT!" I said. Literally at this point all i could think was  COULD MY LIFE GET ANY WORSE. I was already struggling to keep my powers in control and hide my identity and now this stupid, bastard of son had to come at this place only out of all the places in the world and that to when i was unleashing my powers. My powers were becoming stronger each day and were getting hard to control. But i had decided to control it at the best, i could not let what happened that day again.

I was so busy with my thoughts that i didn't even see Zyad coming towards me slowly. In a flash of a second, i was on the ground, face flat with my hands tied behind my back by his hands. i knew i could probably send him flying in the air with just a little push, but i couldn't risk him getting hurt.  I COULDN'T RISK ANYONE GETTING HURT BY ME, NOT AGAIN.

" Who are you? And what have you done to her. Are you an alien, a vampire?" He asked me in his deep voice. 

The next moment, i had my hands in the hair with Zyad floating in the air, but not to high. 

" No body is controlling me you obnoxious little rat. And i am not a vampire and nor an Alien." i said to him. I could see his eyes widening, as he started screaming for help. 

'doesn't he know that no one comes around this area.' i thought.


i scoffed and said " And who will believe you?" raising an eyebrow at him. He knew i was right. No one would believe that the A-grade student of the whole batch is a mutant with super powers. That's Bullshit.

I slowly pulled him towards me, with him still hanging in the air. Slowly and carefully i lifted my self of the ground and started floating too. i moved my self towards him and came at eye level with him.

" You tell anyone what happened here i will split your body into two before morning, but if you won't then I might let you go." i said in a sickly sweet voice. His eyes widened and felt him shaking with fear.

" Now tell me baby boy,  Deal or no deal?" i asked with a smirk.

 hey readers, another chapter done. Just so you know from now on the thoughts will be in italics. don't forget to vote and comment down. 

Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.  Stay safe, stay healthy.   :)))) 


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