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" Hello? Zyad, can you hear me?!!"  I shouted on the phone.

" HELP.PLEASE" I heard him say as he let out a strangled breath. Okay, Now I am panicking. He is freaking me out. 

" Where are you?" I asked in a panicked voice.

" Amul shop, Sector 18. Please come fast." He said while panting. I could hear him running on thee other side.

" Hold on. I am coming."  I said in one breath. I quickly cut the call and ran out of the society. The shop which he was telling me about was at walking distance from my house. There were many other shops also there along with flats of the owner above there shops, all attached to each other, leaving either little or no space in between. I ran towards the area with all my strength.

' if he tells me that he was joking. I AM GONNA KILL HIM' i thought as I ran towards the area.

 It took me 5 minutes to reach the shop. The area was dimly lit, most of the shop owners were putting down the shutter. I ran around the shops screaming his name. The shopkeeper's looking at me as if I had lost my mind.

" ZYAD! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

" ZYAD! WHE- AAAAAA-" I screamed as a hand came out of one of the alley between shops. A large hand came on my mouth blocking my voice. I was pushed against the wall as the body of my attacker was squished against me. I wriggled under his grasp as he applied more force on my mouth.

" Shut up Ray. You are going to get us caught.' I heard the voice hiss under his breath.

" Zyad ! What the heck dude?" I whisper shouted at him while removing his hand from my mouth. He brought up a finger to his lips, indication to SHUT-THE-HELL-UP.

" What are you doing here? Did you get beaten up again?" I said as I brought my hands  towards his bruised cheek. The lighting was dim, but I could still make out the cut on his eyebrow, his busted lip and the bruise now forming on his left cheek. My finger tips brushed against his cheek as hiss left his mouth. I immediately retracted my hand, concern written all over my face. He turned his face to me, so that I could see it properly. Even with the injuries on his face, he still looked heavenly. His eyes, grey with a tinge of orange due to  the lighting made it even more beautiful. It felt as if time had stopped. All I could hear was our breathing. I felt his eyes scan my face as it stopped on my eyes. We were both staring at each other, as if the world didn't matter anymore. 

The intensity of his gaze and the situation was too much for me. I averted my gaze from him breaking our eye contact. The moment I broke the contact, an awkward silence came between us. 

" *sigh* why are we hiding here?" I asked.

" We aren't hiding. We are waiting for them to go." He said with sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes at him. I grabbed both of his hand and closed my eyes, picturing my bedroom.

" What are-" he screamed, not finishing his sentence. I opened my eyes and saw that we were in my bedroom. I smile at the success of teleportation. 

" How did you do that?" he asked while poking my bed to see if it was real or not. I rolled my eyes at him and put my hand on my hips.

" I have powers. Remember." I said as I sat on the bed.

 Care to tell me why are you beaten up AGAIN? And why were we hiding/ And why the heck did you call me and not the police?!! "

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Stay safe, stay healthy*

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