Let's go out!

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*The next morning*

I woke up at the sound of my alarm beeping.I groaned a little and cursed under my breath as I reached out to put it off, wanting to sleep more. I pushed myself further to reach the alarm clock and-


" Ow! That hurt." I screamed as i fell down from the bed face first. I was too sleepy to even move, but the cold floor wasn't providing any sort of comfort. So I stood up, stopped  the blaring alarm clock and then happily went back to sleep.


I again woke up, but this time it was due to someone was shaking me. I groaned a little and pushed off the hand. I buried my face into the pillow again wanting to go back to my dream world again.

"Wake up Ray!" i heard the muffled voice of the person shaking me. I pushed off the hand again but then a thought suddenly struck me.

'WAIT A MINUTE! I am living alone and my parents aren't here. SO WHO THE HECK IS SHAKING ME !!' i thought

I jerked my head upwards to see the face of the invader. I couldn't see the face properly for a first few seconds but then slowly my vision started to clear up.

"JAMIE!!" i screamed. I received a hit on the back of my head causing me too yelp at the pain. I rubbed my assaulted area and pouted at her. I know remember that my parents had given an extra key of our home to her so that she can keep a check on me when they go on tours.

"Don't scream at me you idiot! Subah ke 11 baj gaye hain aur tu abhi tak soo rahi hai?!" (It's 11 in the morning and your are still sleeping?!") she asked with a horrified expression.

" Please just let me sleep. That boy already caused me lot of trouble and time last night.  ALL I WANT TO DO IS SLEEP!!" I shouted the last part as I snuggled back into my pillow.

"No you are-" she stopped in between and then a horrified expression laced her face.

 I expected her to continue her ranting but when she didn't i pushed my head up from the pillow and raised an eyebrow at her giving her ' What the heck happened?' look.

" Who came here last night?" she asked. My eyebrows furrowed at her question thinking how she knew, then I remembered that i literally just told her that someone came to my house yesterday night.

I sighed as i sat up on my bed and took her hands in mine. I looked at her and her face was already filled with worry. She worries too much and I hate her seeing like this.

" Don't tell the boys okay?" I said as i took in a deep breath.

' you can do it shreya.' i said to myself

"  Zyad." i mumbled in a very quiet voice. But I knew she had heard it as i saw her face morph into a shocked expression.

" WHAT?!" she asked. Then i told her everything that had happened and how he ruined my perfect night because of his stupid face and injuries. She nodded at the end and said nothing, but i could feel the worry and doubt radiating from her.

" Just don't get too attached with him Ray. I don't want you to get hurt." She said in a serious tone. I knew what she meant and i nodded at her comment. Once  I trusted someone too much, that person broke it and left me broken for a long time. I am not going to let myself get into that situation again, ever.

" I won't" i mumbled. Then silence. None of us spoke anything. The tension was high and it was getting difficult to breathe. I felt as if someone was choking me.I wanted to break the silence, i just couldn't handle it. Just as i was going to say something to dismiss this silence-

" Let's go out. " she  said  with a bright smile on her face.

*Hope you like how the story is going readers. Don't forget to vote and comment on the story and do suggest some ideas for the chapters ahead in the comment section ;)

Stay safe, stay healthy* 

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