I know you!!

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"what did you see?" i asked again. 

I know you all might be thinking what's the reason behind asking that when he was HIMSELF FLOATING IN THE AIR, but there are chances that his fear might play with his brain and memories.

" Nothing! i swear i saw nothing please don't hurt me!" he begged covering his face with his arms. My eyes softened a bit. This is one of the main reasons for me not coming out to the world.  They all think I will hurt them. But i would never hurt an innocent.

"*sigh* I won't hurt you zyad, but please don't tell anyone or it won't be good for you." i told him, trying to act intimidating so that he believes me. Of course I wouldn't hurt him. I am not a monster.

"How did you know my name?" he asked shocked, while slowly standing up.

Shit! I am dead for sure now.  

"um... ah.." i tired to speak no words came out of my mouth. He slowly inched closer towards me, making me walk backwards.

"Wait a minute. i know that voice, i have heard it before." he spoke to himself, making a thinking face. 

' Please god!! Please no' i thought 

" I know you!!" he shouted, finally coming to realisation.


( Hey cuties, thank you for reading my story. please comment below anything you want me too add in the story or what you think about it. Would love to hear your thoughts.          

And don't forget to vote the story. see ya guys!!!)

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