What are you doing?!

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" Really?!!" he asked in shock.

" did you not hear it once, or are your ears also not working like your brain." i said in an annoyed voice. 

" No, No i did. But never thought that you would really agree. Just wanted to confirm." He said slightly laughing and followed me as i went inside  my society.

" Where do you think you are going?" I asked him as i halted in my steps and turned around.

" To your apartment, where else?" he asked in a confused tone. 

"Did i invite you?" i asked him while folding my arms across my chest and raised my eyebrow at him.

" Do you think I need an invitation?" he asked arrogantly with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and started walking again. I am not in the mood of arguing, not 7:00 in the morning. 

I walked into the apartment and left the door open, knowing he was going to follow me inside.

"Where are your parents?" he asked while making himself comfortable on the couch. 

" Gone on a trip." i said. That was true. I got a call from mumma last night telling me that she and papa had to go to Singapore for a case and won't return for two weeks.

" Just wait here. I will go and change." i said as i quickly went inside my room and locked it. I quickly changed into my uniform not wanting to let him roam around in my house without my supervision.

' god knows what he might do'i thought.

" Okay lets go." i said while coming out of the room with my back pack.  

" Let's go." he said walking out of my apartment. I walked out after him and locked the apartment keeping the keys in my bag.

" Shouldn't you hide it somewhere rather than keeping it in your bag?" he asked

" The safest place i know is somewhere near me." i said. He rolled his eyes and started walking.

We reached the society gate and I started walking towards the school's direction . I thought that Zyad had brought his car with him, since he is the RICH  KID. But to my surprise he started walking beside me. 

"Don't you have a car?" i asked in shock. 

" Nope,i walked to your home and i am walking to school with you right now." he said

I groaned and pouted a little.

'what a great day' i thought.

We reached the school in a few minutes. The whole school, literally the whole school was gawking at us. Of course, why wouldn't they. You don't get to see a play boy walking with their girl friend's worst enemy. Zyad suddenly draped his arm around my shoulder. My eyes snapped to his face only to see him smirking at me. 

' how can he enjoy this?' i thought

" This isn't funny. Your girl friend might see us." i growled

"So what?" he asked with an eyebrow raised, still smirking.

" You don't how she is when she i-" i  was cut off by a high pitched voice coming from behind us.

" What are you doing?"


don't forget to vote and comment my cute little readers. Stay safe, stay healthy :))))   )

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