Let you go.

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After my fight, I hurriedly took Zyad to the hospital. He had lost too much blood, and I wasn't going to risk his life by using my powers.

He was unconscious the whole time and every second he stopped breathing I thought he died.

The moment we entered the emergency gate, nurses and doctors turned towards us with wide eyes. I had a big slash on my right arm from the knife and few bruises on by stomach and back from the punches I had received in the process of taking those men out. Those bruises had definitely turned into an ugly shade of blue-black since every step I took caused a bolt of pain through my body.

In other words, we both looked like disaster.

I winced and hissed loudly when the doctors took Zyad away from me, since it caused my bruises to move a little.

"What happened to both of you?" One of the doctors asked me as they took me to the treatment room.

"Nothing. Just a mob." I said in a tight voice trying to cover up the pain that she was causing by moving my arms.

After getting treated I realised that I had actually broken two of my ribs. The doctor said that I needed to get admittedly in the hospital, but I convinced them somehow saying that I can heal at home by taking ample rest.

I was now sitting in front of the operating room, with my head in my hands while rocking myself lightly. The doctor came a few minutes ago saying that they needed to operate him, since being hit by the metal chains caused some of the metal to pierce inside his body. If not taken out now, it might lead to his death.

I never thought that I would ever be in this position again, after Omar's case, but here I was.

Hour shift passed, but the doctors didn't come out. I was starting to get anxious.

Suddenly i started to have slight headache. It felt as if something was trying to get into my mind. The pounding increased every second, until it became unbearable.Tears started to come out of my eyes due to the unbearable pain. I bit back a scream, thinking it would go away any minute.

Before I knew what was happening, my vision started to get blurry as I blinked repeatedly to see clearly. And then darkness..


I opened my eyes, only to get them burned by the bright sunlight. I covered my eyes with my palm as I blocked the sunlight to let my eyes adjust a little. I sat up, and found myself in vast field of grassland.

As far a second my vision went, all I could see was plane grass, and a few trees occasionally

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As far a second my vision went, all I could see was plane grass, and a few trees occasionally. I knew it was a dream, but it felt a little too real to be a dream. Suddenly I felt a slight tap on my shoulder from behind making me jump in fear. I turned around only to come face too...


His face glowing in the sunlight as wind carressed his hair lightly making it blow to the side. A soft smile was plastered on his face as he titled his head up to clearly see my face. He was in the same clothes of the accident.

"Didi.." he whispered, his eyes glistening with tears.

I didn't think twice before engulfing him in a big hug as I cried in his neck. He didn't say anything only hugged me back tightly, as if I would evaporate the moment he let me go. We remained like this for a few more minutes, until I reluctantly let go since I knew he didn't like being hugged that much. I cupped his face in my hands and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

"He kiddo.." I said with a big grin, my voice breaking a little at the end. He only smiled brightly remembering his nickname as he nodded.

" This isn't real is it?" I asked with a sad smile as I crouched down on his level and took his small, chubby hands in mine. He only smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

I laughed at his expression, as I caressed his cheeks softly.

"Why bring me here?" I asked in confusion as I looked at him intently waiting for an answer. His smile vanished as he sat in front of me, fiddling with his fingers.

"I needed to tell you something." He said In a quiet voice. I knew that what I was seeing was just a dream, but if this dream allowed me to see him like a normal person and hug him and talk to him, then I don't want this dream to end. I nodded my head in encouragement, telling him to go one.

"I don't have much time but just know, that whatever i said to you that day, it wasn't true. I never meant any of it." He said as tears started to roll down his eyes. My eyes softened at his words as I shook my head.

"I know. I know." I said with a small smile on my face. Even though I knew he never meant any of that, but it still pained me. Him saying these words right now actually lifted a big wait from my shoulders.

"Di. I need you to let me go." He said while looking at me seriously this time. My eyebrow still furrowed i  confusion,  not knowing what he meant.

" what do you mean?" I asked 

" it means that it's  time for me to go and you to start living your life." He said as he looked towards the horizon. The sun was lighting his skin making him look like an angel.

" I want to die in peace Di. I have been living on that ventilator for an eternity. Me being alive is only hurting you more. I cannot wake up. I need to go." He said.

"No. No. No. no. I am not letting you go anywhere. There has to be a way." I said as I started crying like a baby.

" there isn't." He said with a small smile as he looked at me. No,please god. Why are you making me dream like this? 

"I will always be with you . I promise." He said as he started walking away From me. I shook my head as I stood up and ran towards him but i couldn't. It felt as if my legs were stuck in the ground.

" but why are you making me let u go." I screamed at him.

"Because sometimes holding on is more painful way to death. So let me go." He said as a tear rolled down his cheeks.

" so will you be at peace if I let you go." I said in a quite voice.

" I will." He said back.

"Then, I will let you go." 

*I am crying SOO hard. I hope you like the chapter. Do not forget to vote and comment people.❤️❤️

Luv u all💜💜

Stay safe, stay healthy*

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