Not A Dream

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I looked at him with wide eyes after I heard his confession. My heart was beating like crazy, my cheeks red and I could feel a crazy grin fighting to come on my face.

" You really mean it?" I asked in a quiet voice, as I looked down and started to fiddle with my fingers.

" I swear on my mother." He said in a soft voice as I looked up at him. Not able to hide my happiness anymore, my face morphed into a crazy grin as I squealed and hugged him tightly.

"I love you too!!!" I shouted in excitement. He laughed as he hugged me back tightly while nuzzling his face into my hair, inhaling my scent.

We stayed like that for a moment, enjoying each other's company as he rocked me back and forth like a mother does to her child while trying to put him/her to sleep.

Then a question suddenly struck my mind.

" I actually wanted to ask you something..." I said in a serious voice as I untangled our arms from each other. He looked at me with confusion but kept his hold on my waist, as if not wanting to let go off me. His hold on my waist tightened as he looked at my expression.

I was trying so hard not to squeal in happiness and adoration at his cuteness. He looked so cute at this moment, I could pinch the life out of his cheeks.

" Who were those men? The one who kidnapped you." I asked.

" Ahhh.. them.. umm.. You remeber the fight I had with a big guy last to last month. The one who wore a mask." He said to me. I nodded back at him.

"Yeah, he was the one. I won the money so he got furious because his pride got hurt." He said. I scowled at his explanations and scoffed.

"It's his mistake. He should learn to loose too if he knows how to win. Bloody idiot." I said, swearing under my breath. He laughed at my statement which made me smile too.
Gosh, I was love struck.

'Tch, when did you become like this ?' I thought to myself.

I shook those thoughts away as I gazed at him with hearts in my eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak, when the door was opened with a string force causing BANG to ring thorugh out the room.
I jumped in surprise as I turned around to see who it was.
There was a nurse standing beside the door, panting as she put her hands on her knees catching her breath.

I pushed myself off Zyad, as I walked towards her,partially happy that she didn't comment on our position and partially worried for her because it looked as if her face was going to burst at some point.

But what she said after made my worst fears come true.

" Your brother. He is dead."
And everything went black.

* I hope this made you happy!!👆💜💜I will be posting memes after evey chapter from now onwards

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* I hope this made you happy!!👆💜💜
I will be posting memes after evey chapter from now onwards.. so that you can laugh and cry at the same time!😂😂😭😭
The story is going to end soon, I hope you like it.
Don't forget to comment and vote !
Luv u guys!💜💜💜💜🥰🥰🥰🥰

Stay safe, stay healthy*

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