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Okay. So am i going crazy or did i hear him speak about STAYING HERE TONIGHT. 

I mean like, boy are you even listening to yourself? Why the heck would you think I will allow you to stay in my house. 

I didn't speak anything for a few minutes and just kept staring at him as if he was an alien.

"Hello, You there?" he asked while waving his hand in front of my face.

"No" i said. I looked at him at which he gave me a confused expression, a few seconds later he realized what i meant.

"Oh come on!" he whined,stomping his foot on the ground. I rolled my eyes and shook my  head.

"No, not at all. There is not  even a 0.0000000001% chance of you staying here." I sneered at him.

I turned back around when he suddenly grabbed both of my hands and pinned me my bedroom wall. My back arched a little due to the impact. He had pinned my hands above my head. I growled under my breath and looked at him. Our faces were inches away. Noses almost touching. We looked into each other's eyes for a few minutes.

' his eyes are beautiful' i thought

" Please just let me stay here for today." he begged. 

I gave him an angelic smile making  his eyes glitter in hope and said 

" Never"

Then I lifted my hands and made him float in the air. He started kicking in the air like a toddler.

"Oh come on. This is hardly fair." He whined and kept on kicking.

"Life is never fair babe." I said in a sweet voice. His breath hitched a little when I called him babe. I smirked at him before opening my door and kicking him outside my house.

"Ow!!" he said as he fell down as soon as I stopped making him float. He looked at me, trying to give me those puppy eyes. I instantly looked the other way and took in a deep breath.

' come on Ray. Don't fall for those eyes. You cannot break your promise.' i thought

I opened my eyes and looked back at him and said-

" Bye, have a good night." Before slamming the door on his face

* What do you think readers? Should she have done that or not?

Tell me in the comment section and don't forget to vote. Stay safe. stay healthy* 

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