Why are you running away from me?

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"-is jealous." I said finishing my sentence turning around, only to see a fuming JASMINE standing there with her arms crossed.

" Nothing." i said, while removing Zyad's arm around my shoulder.

" Well it doesn't look like its nothing." She sneered.

I rolled my eyes and ignored her. I turned around and started walking towards the school's entrance gate. She doesn't have the guts to touch  me after what happened yesterday i could feel fear radiating from her.

The school went pretty normal .I didn't encounter Zyad the whole day , i mean if u put it properly it was me who was ignoring him and running away whenever i saw him but I was really happy . I had told my friends abut what happened yesterday and they were furious to be exact. Ankit had already decided to kill him today even Reid was accompanying him telling me that they are going to teach him a lesson. I stopped them at the right point and told them that they did not need to worry about anything, he couldn't do anything, not when i am the one with super  powers.

The last bell for the class rang and  picked up my back pack and left the class. I was walking down the corridor, with each class door on my left side. The floor was empty since i was the last one leaving. I was busy in my own thoughts when suddenly a hand grabbed me and pulled me inside a classroom.

The door shut behind and i was pinned to  the walls, with my hands above my head. I was literally going to throw this person out of the window. I opened my eyes and were met with steel grey ones boring into mine. It took me a few moments too realise who it was.

"ZYAD!!!" I shouted. I was expecting him to give me some response but he just kept string at me. He didn't move his face away from me. Our Noses were almost touching and i could feel his breath on my face. I swear i saw eyes move to my lips for a second before he said-

"Why are you running away from me?"

(Hey readers hope u like the story so far. comment down if u would like any changes to happen. keep reading and keep voting ;))

Stay safe, stay healthy)

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