What the-

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"Excuse me!!" i shrieked. I started wiggling in his grip. But suddenly he started laughing. And when i say laughing i meant like hysterically. He let go of me and clutched his stomach while laughing slowly dropping to the floor. Tears were forming in his eyes.

'what the fuck was he laughing about?' i thought

" You are so fun to tease shreya." he said while wiping his tears. 

' he was joking!!' i  thought.

 I growled under my breath and rushed out of the classroom. I am going to stay 10 feet away from him. He has a really bad habit of always touching me. I thought.

" RAY! COME ON IT WAS JUST A JOKE!" i heard Zyad shout from behind me.

"Joke my ass."  i mumbled under my breath, and continued walking. I reached the school gate and looked behind me just to make sure he wasn't following me. He wasn't

'great' i thought. 

  I smiled to myself and gave myself a pat. I happily walked back to my home singing under my breath, unaware of the things that future was going to throw at me.

* skip to night*

 It was currently 9:30 pm and i had just finished my sociology and English  worksheet which were due next week. I really liked to complete my work early hand as it gave me a lot of free time. I already had my dinner and since tomorrow was a holiday for some event being hosted in our school i was thinking of pulling an all nighter.

My plan was to see all the new episodes of RUN BTS and watch some k-dramas on netflix. I started arranging the needs. Chips, drinks pasta and some Chinese food which i had ordered. Everything was set and i was just waiting for the deliver.

It was 9:45 pm currently.

'anytime now' i thought happily.

I heard the doorbell ring and squealed a little in surprise. I mean i was expecting food but since i was alone at home and the noise of the door bell scared me a little.

I bounced a little and walked up to the door. I opened the door with a smiling face to greet the delivery man and say thank you. But the moment i opened the door,  my expression fell and was replaced by a horrified one.

"What the-"

( let it begin. ;)

Stay safe, stay healthy) 

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