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I woke up with a jolt and found myself sitting in the same chair. I massaged my face with my hands and noticided the wetness indicating I was crying in my sleep.

I still remember the dream clearly. There was an unsettling feeling in my heart, constantly telling me that it wasn't a dream. But I refused to believe this. He didn't leave me, right? My thought process was cut off by the sound of door opening. I looked up and saw the doctor coming out of the room.

I stood up as I made my way towards him. He saw me and gave me a kind smile with a nod.

"He is stabilised at the moment and wants to meet you, you can take him back home tonight but make sure he gets ample of rest and these medicines." He said as he gave me a list. I nodded my head at him and thanked him before going inside the room.

I opened the door and came face to face with the constant beeping sound of the heart monitor. It annoyed me lot so I waved my hand in the air making a sound proof bubble around the monitor blocking it's annoying beeping.

Zyad cocked his eyebrows at me asking why I did that.

I only shrugged my shoulder in response as I made my way towards him. His eyes softened at the sight of me limping a little due to the pain. When I reached him, he shifted a little making some space for me in the bed and then patted the empty bed side, telling me to sit there.

I sat beside him and laid my head on the pillow as I covered my eyes with my left hand, sighing in exhaustion in the process. I felt him taking my right hand into his hands as he played with my finger.

"I think it's time I told you about him." I said in a soft voice, trying not to cry thinking about him. He stopped playing with my fingers as I felt him turn his head towards me with a confused expression on.

"Who?" He asked in a tight voice as if he was curious but at the the same time nervous.

"My brother." I said. Then I told him everything, the accident, jasmine, how my life went down, the depression I went through, how I thought of ending my life And the dream I had. He listened to me carefully, squeezing my hand occasionally as If telling me that it was alright. After I had finished, I looked up at him and saw him crying too. 

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I am so sorry Ray. I never knew you had to go through all of this. And I am thankful for you to not end your life. You don't know how much important you have become to me in the past few months. I feel as If I can't  breathe without looking at you. As for jasmine, I never knew she was such a bitch. I promise I will break up with her tomorrow only." He said as he caresses my face.

I nodded my head at him, my heart beating like crazy after listening to him. I felt myself at ease with his touch. Gosh, when did I become like this.

 But then a question struck through my mind.

" Are you breaking up with jasmine because you feel sorry for me?" I asked with slight hurt laced in my voice.

He chuckled at my statement and shook his head. The next moment he picked me up from beside him as If he hadn't just been operated and as if I wasn't heavy at all and placed me on his lap. Colour rose to my cheek as i looked at him with wide eyes. He has some serious obsession with keeping me in his lap.

He chuckled again looking at my expression. Then his left hand made its way to the back of my neck and he pushed me forward, my face coming closer to his. Our noses were touching as we stared at each other. His steely grey eyes boring into my black ones. He looked at me for a few minutes, as if he was  analysing my face, but it felt like eternity.

After a few moments, he sighed loudly and closed his eyes and leaned forward resting his foreheads against mine. His arms made their way to my waist as he pulled me in making me gasp. My hands instinctly made way to his chest as I felt stopping for me coming any closer.

I closed my eyes not wanting to let him see me like this, but I surely knew that he could hear my heart thumping loud and clear against my chest. I opened my eyes slightly to look at him only to find him staring at me. I gulped a little but didn't move. THIS WAS TOO MUCH!!! I am going to die.

he said-

"I am not breaking up with jasmine beacuse I feel sorry for you. I am breaking up with her beacuse I LOVE YOU❤️. I love you, Shreya Gupta. You and only you. And no matter what happens, I will never let you go. Because now you are the only thing in the world that I need. And I need you to be with me for the rest of my life.❤️" 

* ATLAST he confessed!!!

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Stay safe, stay healthy *

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