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After my little emotional drama, we all went out to eat. Jamie had decided that today was  going to be just us four. Nobody else. So we had planned to go to the nearest mall, grab some food and  then go to the arcade. When the boys noticed my outfit none of them spoke for 10 minutes straight and just kept staring at me. At last ankit said-

" You look..." he said while staring at my outfit. I raised my eyebrow at him expecting him to finish his sentence.

"Different." Reid said, staring at me wide eyed. I rolled my eyes at them as Jamie nudged my shoulder giving me the ' YOU-LOOK-TOO-HOT-FOR-THEM' look. I giggled at her expressions as we made out of my apartment.But after sometime they both got adjusted to the change and started acting normally like they usually did. 

Right now we were in Jamie's car, her parents were driving us to the mall while we were discussing about what to eat. Me and Jamie agreed on eating Chinese food, while the boys were having a fight on whether to eat domino's or MC Donald's.

" We ate burger last time too. Come on, lets eat Pizza this time." Reid whined.

" No,  it's always your choice.We have been eating pizza for the past 5 times. I am not eating that shit anymore." Ankit said. They were fighting, again. It's  a never ending process. We tried to settle it down a lot of times,but eventually gave up. At last they both decided to eat chicken roll. I mean, where did that come from? weren't they both fighting for pizza and burger? Chicken roll wasn't even an option. I shook my head at their nonsense argument as we went inside the mall.

We had a lot of fun. It had been sometime since we had such a time. We played and won a number of gifts. After gaming, we went back our homes. Jamie's parents dropped me at the last. I bid them goodbye and started going in the direction of my apartment. Suddenly my phone rang. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to who is calling me this late. It was already 9:30 pm. ( THat's pretty late in India) I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and saw an unknown number.

' what the hell' i thought.

 I declined the call and went back on my track. My phone rang again and it was from the same number. I picked it up this time, i don't know why but I just did. The moment I picked up the phone I heard panting and muffled  voices.

" Hello?" I said into the phone.

" Shreya, Help please." I heard the voice of a boy from the other side. It took me a few minutes to realize whose voice it was.

" ZYAD?! WTF?!" I screamed into the phone.

 *stay safe, stay healthy readers :)*

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