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My head snapped in his direction the moment I heard the word 'mine'. I didn't realise how close he was standing to me until I looked up at him. I could feel his heartbeat. Gosh, this was too much for me. I nodded my head at his statement, thinking he would let me go but he didn't. He kept me in place, his grip on my wrist slowly increasing. I bit my lip to control the yelp of pain building inside me.

"Don't do it." I heard him growl as he leaned in further our noses touching a small his curly hair carressed my forehead slightly. I twisted my wrist under his grip but he kept on staring at me like a statue.

"Zyad... you are hurting me."I whimpered as I released my bottom lip and twisted my wrist to get out of his deathly grip. His eyes softened at my tone as he loosened his grip on me a little but didn't set it free. He sighed heavily as he leaned in resting is forehead against mine. I closed my eyes, afraid to look at him. He is really scaring me, but at the same time he is making my heart beat at a crazy speed. And I knew it wasn't beacuse of fear.

"What's wrong with you today?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"You." He said as he looked at me through his steely grey eyes. My heart leaped out of my chest the moment I hear s him say 'you'. I am gonna die right here,right now.good bye world.

He leaned in more and kissed my cheek, before suddenly letting go. I was too shocked to actually understand what was happenings at that time. My face was definitely on tomato mode again. I let out a breath which I was unknowingly holding the whole time.  By the time I gained my senses he was nowhere. I almost thought that I was day dreaming. Almost.

But the smell of rain and woods only made my suspicions stronger. IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. MY HEART WAS DOING A MINI VICTORY DANCE ON THE INSIDE!!

I slowly stood up straight as my hand grazed the spot where he had kissed earlier.

"I hope u r not playing with me Zyad."

*hope u like the chapter. 💜Don't forget to vote, comment and follow❤️

Stay safe, stay healthy💜💜❤️😉*

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