You are not the only one.

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I could see his eyes getting a little watery. 

'Maybe i scared him too much' i thought.  My eyes softened a bit. i slowly put him back on the ground and landed on the ground. He walked back a little to create a safe distance between him and me. 

" Are you really shreya? " he asked in a quiet voice. I sighed and nodded and then i realised, WHAT THE HELL I JUST CONFIRMED HIS SUSPICIONS. I mentally slapped myself for the stupidity. I looked back at him only to find him looking at me with a smirk. 

Okay now i was scared and confused at the same time. Just seconds ago he was crying in fear and now he is smirking?!! he started walking to wards me with slow steps. The look in his eyes had changed the situation.  Now the situation wasn't the same, he was the predator and I was the prey. WHICH IS SO WRONG CAUSE' I AM THE ONE WITH POWERS NOT HIM!!!

'Then why are you feeling sacred you idiot.' my mind asked and all i could think was that 


I didn't budge from my position. i didn't want him to know that i was even a slightest bit scared of him. 

' He looks hot.' i thought. Wait a minute?!! Why the hell am i thinking all this shit. 

He stood right in front of me. i had to crane my neck p to see his face. Yellow eyes boring into Grey ones. i could feel the blood rushing up to my cheeks, as time passed. this was starting to get uncomfortable. Just as i was going to open my mouth to say something, he suddenly started circling me and said-

" I know you won't kill me." He said, still circling me. 

"And how can you be sure about that?" i asked with an eyebrow raised. He stopped circling me and stood in front of me. He leaned down and brought his face near mine.

'too close' i thought as i gulped.  I wanted to back down and move back a little but couldn't show it to him that i was intimidated. I could feel my face getting hot. 

"I just know you won't. You can't" He said in a serious tone. 

 'only if he knew'  i  thought.

" And just so you know i have gotten all of our lovely interaction recorded in my camera." He said while pointing at his shirt where it was pinned, whose size was of a BUTTON. Just as i thought to break that camera-

"And if you are thinking of breaking the camera then don't even try. The memory of this camera has already been automatically saved on my PC at home, so even if you do destroy this i will still have evidence at home and i know you don't know where i live so you can't do anything." he finished with a smirk plastered on his face.

My brain took some time to process what he said and when it did, frankly the realization was not a good one. My eyes were wide as i looked at him and opened and closed my mouth like a goldfish. But no words came out. 

Zyad had seen the expression and was now grinning evilly at me. I gulped on my saliva when he said-

"You are not the only one  who knows to how to threaten someone Ray." he drawled with an evil grin on his face.

(*phew* Completed another chapter. What do you think Ray would do?  Comment down below and tell me your ideas. 

Don't forget to comment and vote on the story. Stay safe, Stay healthy

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