It's a deal

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I reached home by  8:56 pm. 

'back before curfew.' i thought

I went in and took a long hot shower to erase all  the tension. After the shower i really felt relaxed. Now that my brain had started functioning properly, I started to think about today's events. When i remembered what he had said, i groaned and pushed my hand into my face.

' its going to be a long day tomorrow' i thought

With this i went back to  my bed, listening to BTS ' I need U' and thinking  WHY ME?


 I woke up early next morning. It was current 6:30 am and i still had one and a half house left before school. i decided  to take a walk.The weather outside  was cool making it even more comfortable. I took a half an hour walk and then walked back home. I was wide awake  by now,so when i saw Zyad standing in front of my society gate, i knew i was not dreaming.

He was all ready standing there in his uniform and bag slung on his shoulder while scrolling through his phone. He looked good to be honest, not that i am ever going to  say this.

" What are you doing here? How did you find me?"  i asked him

"Couldn't have you ditching on me now could I." He said with a smirk. it took me a few seconds to realise what he meant. He thought i wasn't going to come to school today, to avoid him.

"I never thought of ditching you." i said. and that was true. Ditching him actually never came to my mind. He stared at me for a few seconds to confirm whether i was speaking the truth or not, but when he saw my face-

" Really?!" he asked in shock. I nodded and started walking inside the apartment. Suddenly he griped my arm and turned me around. I came face to face with him and raised an eyebrow.

" What?" i asked. This was getting annoying. I did not people touching me a lot and he has been doing that since yesterday.

" Did you decide?" he asked. I had actually decided about it after thinking intensively about it during the walk.

" Yes" i said. He raised his eyebrow expecting an answer.

 It's a deal." Hi said before turning around and walking inside my society.


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