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It's been two months since that day, and life has been great to me. My bond with zyad got stronger day by day as he started gaining more of my trust. It wasn't only the trust that he gained, he also gained my love. I know, I know love is a really strong word but over this period of time, my feelings for him have gotten stronger than before.

Every day when I see him at the school, my mood brightens up. Even my group has slowly started to accept him as their friend, though they do not trust him complete(neither do I). But the difference between our trust I say that he has earned 90% of my trust while has gained 30% of their trust.😂😂

But I haven't confessed to him about my feelings. Even though Jamie told me that he likes me just as much as I do, since he had actually arranged a mini party for me with just the two of us on my birthday and has told me every single thing about him, and actually said that he loved me a couple of times. but he hasn't broken up with Jasmine.

He is still in relationship with her according to her. And when I ask him why he hasn't broken up with he, he just grunts in response and says that it's complicated. I still couldn't understand, how complicated it was to break up with that nuisance, but I didn't want to push him further so I stopped asking it.

Taking advantage of my feelings for Zyad, jasmine had started to literally torture me every single day. Throwing remarks, teasing , hitting and what not. She was doing everything in her power to make my life miserable. She would only stop when Zyad would tell her to stop acting like a child and leave me alone. And whenever he says that jasmine goes on to crazy mode and started shouting at him like how he was supposed to take her side and not mine, and that he doesn't love her anymore.

I knew that even Zyad was getting very pissed by off her attitude towards me, but he couldn't break up with her for some messed up reason. So I just ignored her everyday. It was partially because she's was still zyad's girlfriend, but the main reason was the promise I made to my self to never ever stoop myself as low as she is. She is lucky that I controlled myself for what she did to him. If I were to loose my control she would actually die within 5 seconds. But I always controlled myself.

I had gotten closure to some of Zyad's friends, which were only three since he trusted them the most. They were not from our school but lived in his society. They were Sahil, Arnav and Jay. While Sahil and jay were just like Zyad, Arnav was the serious one who kept their mischiefs in check. Maybe that's why he was the only one whom Reid talked to except us, and to be honest I was shocked. BEACUSE Mr.Reid SMITH DID NOT TALK TO ANY ONE.

I even had a talk with Arnav about my feelings for Zyad since I considered him like my brother and since he was Zyad's close friend.When he got to know that zyad had actually taken me to one of his fights, he was very shocked. He said that -" if he told you about this, then you are really special to him. Trust me, no one knows about this except us three. Not even that piece of shit jasmine.And even though he looks like a a play boy, he hasn't told anyone about this .To be honest, he hasn't had a fling or anything like that since the past two months. And pls don't say that he is In a relationship so that's why he hasn't done anything. No relationship has ever stopped him from a fling. But you have changed him, I can see that. YOU ARE SPECIAL TO HIM. MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE." After listening to his words, a little amount of hope bubbled in my chest thinking that maybe he will reciprocate my feelings.

Life was going pretty well except a few drama's here and there, but what I didn't know that -


*the plot twist is coming... I hope that it comes unexpected for u guys and don't forget to vote, comment and follow.. I will follow u too😉😉💜💜💜💜💜

Stay safe, stay healthy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️*

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