Past *part 2

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I walked back to home with mine as well as my brother's backpack hanging on my shoulders, who was walking beside me with his head down.

He was being unusually quiet today. On any normal day he would have been running all the way back to home, screaming that who ever will win will be eating the chocolate today.

I sighed as we walked back home. I had already tried asking him what's the matter but he just ignored me.
When we reached home he went staright to his room and locked himself inside. I was really worried for him, this was very very wierd for me.
You always feel weird when someone who talks non-stop suddenly stops talking one day, don't you?

The whole day he didn't come out of his room. Mom and dad had returned home at 7 and we all were now sitting infront of his bedroom door waiting for him too open. This was too much for me to handle.
I couldn't hold it in me anymore.

I marched up to his door and banged on hit with great force, but not enough to break it. I had left him alone the whole day hoping that he would eventually get over it, but this was getting out of hand.

" YAAAHH! Open the door Omar! We all are really worried. Just tell me what happened if you don't want to talk to mom and dad.  Please..." I whispered the last part to myself.

Suddenly the door flew open with a red, tear-stained boy on the other side, fuming with anger.

" You don't say those sweet things to me, okay didi!! You are the one why I have to suffer everyday! You don't even know how much I have to listen everyday. Everybody makes fun of me telling me that I am the freaks brother. Jasmine, told me to die didi!! You get it! There are people outside who want me to die! Do you know how that feels? Bolo didi!!" He shouted at me as tears rolled down his cheeks.

I was shocked and hurt. I never thought that she would have targeted my brother. Yes, Jasmine had been bullying me with empty threats and mean words and what not but I never paid attention to it. I always stayed positive because I never wanted any of it to affect my relationship with my family.

"WHAT?!!" I shouted with anger and hurt lacing my voice.
Nobody said such things to my fily.
All he did was shake his head and ran out of the house, while pushing me aside in the process.
I fell down on the ground and the vase in the table fell down with me , successfully cutting my hand in the process.
Blood seeped out of my hand but I could care less about it.

My mother's face turned into horrified once she saw my bleeding hand.

" Shreya!" She said as tears rolled down her cheeks while she carefully took my hand in hers.
Both my mom and dad were crying after hearing what he said.

I pushed her to the side light checking she didn't step on glass as I ran after my brother.

Blood dropped down my hand leaving a trail of droplets.

"OMAR!!" I screamed as I went outside. He was running outside the society with me hot on his trail.

"Omar, stop!!" I shouted as I tried to stop him.
What happened next moment was enough to break me for my entire life.

He ran aimlessly, not seeing the truck coming towards him at a high speed. The sound of loud honking, screeching of breaks and a tiny body flying into the air and landing at n the road. The sickening song of bones breaking reached my ears making me fall down on my knees instantly.
Tears started to roll down my cheeks at uncontrollable speed. I crawled towards his small body at a slow speed, my legs felt stiff.

His arms and legs sprawled at odd angles and blood seeping out of his head.
I carefully placed his head on my lap l, slowly caressing his face with my good hand while crying silently. My mom and dad had reached down and saw where I was. Mom instantly fainted at the sight as my father hurriedly called the ambulance, while supporting my mother on the other hand.

I slowly sweeped his blood matted hair from his head and kissed his forhead and then
started crying hysterically.
I shook my head constantly as I said the word "No" on repeat.

"Please.please.please.please no. Please Omar. Please" I said as cried with my forehead resting against his not wanting to let him go. I held onto his body tightly not wanting to let go.

I felt as if my heart had stopped beating. Before, I knew what was happening black dots started to cloud my vision.  The last thing I saw, were blue and red lights everywhere and my brother's hand in mine.
Our blood mixing with each other.

What I didn't see was his hand slightly curling around hand, just like he did when he first held my hand after his birth and a small smile forming on his face, almost invisible.

That day I lost myself. All I wanted to do after that day was to die.

That day I lost my brother.

*I know.i know. This is a really emotional chapter. I hope you get the feeling I was trying to convey.😭😭😭😭

I beg you guys to please listen to the above song while reading this chapter!

Stay safe, stay healthy*

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