Don't touch him

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I ran around the market, searching the whole place for him. 

' where could he be? ' I asked  myself.

Suddenly a thought struck my mind. 

'Wait a minute, I have the power of telekinesis. I can use it to find him. Bloody use your mind sometimes Shreya.'  I thought cursing myself internally for my stupidity.

I stood between the crowd and closed my eyes. I felt the power strengthening in my mind as I connected myself to all the people in my 1 km radius. I searched and searched but found nothing. I was going to stop when a faint voice reached my ear. I concentrated more and I heard it clearly. My eyes widened at the voice.

" Zyad.." I said to myself as I ran towards the voice. I reached the destination where the voice was coming from. It was an abandoned building, which had caught fire a few years ago.

 It was an abandoned building, which had caught fire a few years ago

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I heard people inside it, so I knew Zyad was in there to. I slowly walked inside the building, trying not to grab any attention from the goons or whoever they were. I came across a large hallway and crouched down behind a large wooden box. The scene there made my blood boil.

There were men standing in a circle with guns and chains in there hands.The one, who looks like their leader was a very buff man, with a mask on his face. I couldn't't see his mask since his back was turned towards me, but he did look very familiar.My eyes moved and stopped  on the figure siting on the chair with his head hung down, blood oozing out of his mouth and hands tied behind the chair with chains. It was Zyad. Angry tears rolled down my cheeks as I saw him in such a state.

'They are going to regret this.' I thought, curling fists in anger unconsciously.

I saw the buff man walking towards as he grabbed a fistful of his hair and jerked his upward. I gasped a the sight of his face. He brought his fist up to punch Zyad and-


He fell down on the ground as my energy ball hit him right in the face. He was thrown into the air,a good 3 feet off the ground. The other men around turned towards me as I came out of from behind the box I was hiding behind.

I was SOO angry at that point, that I missed the smirk which Zyad gave to those men. 


I summoned the energy balls in my hand, my eyes turning into glowing red. I started to float in the air as I saw the reaction of those men change from anger to horror.

 I started to float in the air as I saw the reaction of those men change from anger to horror

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" DON'T TOUCH HIM." I growled as I threw my energy balls at them.

Just so that you guys become happy!👇👇👇👇

Just so that you guys become happy!👇👇👇👇

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