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Sunlight came inside my room from the window near my study table. The strong path of light beamed on my face making my eyes fly open. I groaned as rolled to the  other side, closing my eyes, expecting to be met by another body, but there was no one. I stretched my arm out and patted the place where he was supposed to be but couldn't feel anything. I opened my eyes again and looked around the room,but he was no where. I felt a pang on disappointment  in a my heart.

' wait a minute! why I am a feeling disappointed? It's not like I expected him to stay.' i thought

' you did.' a voice said inside my head.

 I shook my head and erased those thoughts. I swung my legs off the bed and stood up. Just as I was going to go to the bathroom, I saw yellow sticky note on my side table. I got closer and read the note.

Thanks for yesterday night. Hope you hadn't face any trouble. be ready 8 pm, I am taking you somewhere  (;

Zyad :)

 I read the note again and again my heart beating fast for some reason. Then I picked up the note, crumbled it and threw it in the dustbin. As if I am going anywhere with him. I went into the bathroom and did my normal morning routine. After getting dressed up, I checked the day today. It was Saturday. I have to go to the hospital.

I called my mom and after 4 rings she picked up.

" Hey sweetie. How  are you?" I heard my mom say through the phone. An instant smile graced my face upon hearing her voice. I really missed her and dad.

" I am good mom.  ACHAA, I wanted to tell you that I am going to visit him." I said the last words in  whisper.

" OKay, just come back early. Andhera hone se pehle ghar aa jana. ( Come back before it gets dark.)" she said.

" Yeah, I remember. I love you. Bye " I said.

" Love you too beta. and shreya, it wasn't your fault." She said before ending the call. I looked at my phone for a few seconds before sighing.

' i wish i thought the same thing'  i thought

 I walked out of my apartment and walked over to  the hospital. As I went inside the hospital, I felt a sense of nausea come over me.

' god! why does this always happen here?' i thought

 I shook my head a little  and went into the elevator. I pressed the 4th floor button where he was admitted. The moment I reached the floor the elevator stopped with a ding. I got out of the elevator and stated walking towards the counter.

" Hello, room number 406. please." I said to the doctor with a small smile. She looked up from the computer and instantly smiled seeing my face.

" Ah, accurately on time aren't you Ray." Said Dr. Sheena while watching her watch.

"Yes ma'am." I said as I gave her a mock salute with two fingers. She laughed at my actions and took me towards his room. 

" Don't worry, I have scheduled extra hours for you as your birthday present next week." she said with a smile. I looked at her and gave her the same smile before nodding and entering the room.

The door swung open revealing  familiar face resting on the bed peacefully with an oxygen mask on his face and a heart monitor beside him indicating his heartbeat. His slow breaths and closed eyes indicating the deep sleep in which he is.Hundreds of tubes attached to his small body helping him breath, urinate, eat and everything. 

The stinging sensation in my eyes came  back as a tear rolled down my cheek. It was so difficult to see him like this when the reason for his state was no one  other than myself. Only if I could change the past.

" hey buddy. see who is back again. your sister." I said as my voice cracked at the last word.

* hope you like the chapter readers. don't forget to comment and vote :)

stay safe, stay healthy* 

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