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Narrator's POV:

A little girl of five walked along the shore of a beach one afternoon. Her parents didn't know she was there. She often snuck out with her brother but he was sick today, so she had ventured out herself.

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, there were far off clouds threatening a thunderstorm; but they were far enough away that the girl knew not to worry about them. She had finally decided to turn back when something caught her eye. Just where the sand met the ocean poked out the small corner of a little black box. 

Being careful not to get too wet she dug up the small black box.

"RIN! WAIT FOR ME!" Cried a voice.

Rin turned to see her brother running towards her, a huge smile spread across his face.

"I thought you were sick." Rin said. "Momma will be mad..."

"I thought so too, but when the doctor tried to use the needle I felt better." Her brother explained, splitting a piece of bread he had snuck with her.

Rin laughed. "Len, Momma really will be mad."

"Thats okay. What did you find." Len asked. pointing to the box.

"I don't know..."

"Let's open it!"


The two young children sat on the sand and opened the box. Just as they did the clock struck three in the afternoon.

Something came out of the box

Rin jumped back and grabbed Len's arm. Len was afraid as well but didn't want his sister to know.

The thing crept back into the shadow of a tree. It mumbled something about being very hungry. Then it began to howl and clutch at the area it's stomach might be.

Feeling pity for the creature, Len gave it half of his piece of bread.

"Rin why don't you give it some too?" Len asked.

Rin shook her head and crammed the bread into her mouth. "It's mine."

The thing had finished its chunk of bread and immediately sat back down and began to howl again.

"Are you still so very hungry?" Len asked.

"I could devour the whole world and still not be satisfied." The thing replied. Then it began to shiver.

Len took of his small cloak and handed it gently to the beast. "Are you cold?"

The dark thing took the cloak and wrapped it about himself, but he was still shivering.

"Rin why don't you give him your cloak? You have so many at home."

Rin shook her head and pulled her cloak tighter around herself as the wind blew. "'s mine, and it's cold. Let's go home."

The thing suddenly stood and seemed to look directly at Len. "Thank you for your kindness young prince. I shall reward you with the secret of the sea." Then it looked at Rin and hovered towards her. It came very close, bent down and seemed to kiss her upon the forehead. The thing then disappeared. 

Rin looked at Len in a way she never had before. "Let's go home, I'm hungry and want sweets."

Len led his sister back to the castle. He enjoyed the walk and was in no hurry to get home, but Rin certainly was. Her mind only thought of all the things she could have back at the castle.

When the two children reached the castle their mother came rushing out and scolded them. With her came the high priest, who she had been having a conversation with when she saw her children coming.

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