Chapter 12:

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Len's POV:

I think Rillian was pleased to see me. That must be why I was given the promotion.

I had very conflicted feelings about Leonheart Avadonia (the captain of the guard) wanting to adopt me. He had always looked out for me and I felt he really was like a second father to me, but I wasn't ready for anyone to fill the place of father.

Germaine had probably given him the final push. She had trained me to wield a sword so she would have someone to practice against. To her I was sort of liker her little brother.

But again, I wasn't ready to have that place filled. And if I said yes...would my weekends no longer be free? I might not be able to see Miku, and the rest of the group, again.

Rin had the poor man, that came begging for forgiveness on not having paid his taxes, beaten. 

I couldn't watch. I never could when something like this happened. The worst was when she had someone killed. I never blamed her however. Father had raised her this way. They had drilled it into her not to be a soft ruler and to make examples out of those who would defy her.

It was a terrible way to rule. Not to mention live.


I escorted my sister to her room as usual. I would need to learn my new duties as chamberlain soon.

After her other servants had gotten her changed into her nightgown I prepared to leave. This was the time when she would dismiss me and I would go to my sleeping quarters. 

Tonight however, she seemed to have other plans.

"How was your weekend away?" She asked me.

"Wonderful your highness, but I am always glad to come back." I answered carefully.

"Did you meet anyone?"

"Well yes...several people..." I wanted to ask her why but I wasn't allowed to question her.

"Anyone special?" Rin looked straight into my eyes. What was she talking about?

"I met a group of children my age your majesty."

"Group as in there were girls as well as boys?" Rillian's eyes seemed to be scanning me.

"Y...yes your highness."

"What's her name?"


"Her name. You met someone and I can tell by your eyes she was special...meaning of course that you fell in love while you were gone."

Another thing I wanted to do but wasn't allowed to: Deny.

I hung my head a little. "Y...yes your majesty."

"Is she prettier than me?" Rillian asked suspicously

This was starting to get dangerous.

"No one could compare to you my queen." I bowed a bit.

"Do you like her better than me?" Rin asked jealously. 

"I like her differently than you, highness. But not better."

She wouldn't understand that of course. She didn't know who I was.

"You may go. I'm tired now." She waved me away.

I wonder how she could tell that I met a girl. I knew that I liked, and maybe even loved Miku...but was it really that obvious?

Is that why Ilsie hates me? Yes...I think it is. She probably thinks I'm going to take Miku away from her.

I turned a corner and almost walked straight into Leonheart Avadonia himself.

"Woah there son! Ah...Allen. Have you given it any thought?" He asked hopefully.

"I have been thinking of it all day." I replied.



"Of course you would be able to stay at my house, or here if you really wanted although my house is nicer than your quarters. I would make sure you had your weekends off. I believe in children having free time you know. So what do you think? Speak up!"

"I...I guess it's alright..." I said slowly.

"Excellent lad! Germaine will be very pleased. You're like a little brother to her you know. And a son to me. Now are you coming or staying?"

"Staying, sir."

"Suit yourself, suit yourself boy. But on the weekends I have you correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Excellent lad! Excellent!" Then he chuckled and walked on.

Well at least it was over with. I hope I had made the right choice. I guess I wouldn't know until I went to his house.

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