Chapter 41:

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Germaine's POV:

The IDIOT! I can't believe he would do that! And all because he was some noble prince and what not. It made sense but that didn't stop me from being angry. And now all these people were celebrating what should have been stupid Rillian's death.

I was riding my horse back home, when I came across a carriage. It was tipped into a ditch and its occupant stood outside pacing back and forth. 

"HEY!" He yelled when he saw my horse. "Mind lending me a hand!?"

I pulled back on my reigns and hopped down. "What's the problem?"

He stared a minute. By his clothing he was obviously noble.

"What? Expecting a man?" I snapped. Being the only female warrior in this country was getting on my nerves.

"No...I'm glad its you." He smiled. "I am in need of assistance to get home."

I glanced over at his carriage. "You aren't getting home in that anytime soon." I declared. "Get on one of the horses and I can escort you there if you wish."

"Thank you." He nodded.

A man stepped out from the front. "Prince Kaito! You aren't going to let..."

"Shut it." Kaito commanded.

"You're the prince?" I cried.

He smiled and nodded. The idiot. Stop nodding your head or I'll roll it off your shoulders.

I sighed. Just my luck. "Get your horse. It will take three days to reach your palace if we hurry."

He obediently did so, and we headed off to his castle.


Kaito's POV:

A week later we reached the castle. My mother ran out to meet us when she saw the horses. "KAITO!" She yelled. "I was getting so worri...who's this?"

I looked over to Germaine, she was blushing a little.

"Mother...this is Germaine, the future queen of Marlon. And my future wife." I smiled.

I held out my hand and Germaine dismounted. My mother smiled. "It's lovely to meet you dear."

She led Germaine inside. I had finally done what I wanted. I had control over my life. No one could tell me what to do except Germaine.

That's all I wanted. It struck me funny how much drama that simple wish had caused. Almost like the famous Romeo and Juliet, except everyone else suffered instead.

Now I could live happily with Germaine.

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