Chapter 21:

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Miku's POV:

I woke up into the beautiful world. This afternoon, Len was taking me to the festival! I was a little nervous about Neru being there. Emi and I both agree that she's a terrible person, although we've both tried to be friendly.

But how could I be nervous when I was so excited?

When the sun started to set I started to get ready. The dress that Len got me was hanging outside of my closet invitingly. I pulled it on and looked happily into the mirror. Tonight I didn't look like a poor farmer girl. I felt like little Ashputtel. I started to brush my hair and wondered if I should put it in braids or my usual twin-tails.

There was a knock at the door and I ran down to open it. There stood Len. He beamed when he saw me.

I hadn't had time to do my hair before he came!

He revealed a small bouquet of flowers and shyly handed them to me. They were the same one's he had gotten for...what was her name? Ah! Miss Megurine.

"You look beautiful. Your hair looks nice down." He commented.

I smiled. "Thank you Len. You don't look so bad yourself."

My dad appeared in the doorway. "Don't bring her back too late." He warned. 

"Yes sir." Len took my hand and we went off. Emi and Fukase joined us at the crossroads. Little Emi was wearing a very pretty pale blue dress that complimented her hair nicely. She tried to smile but I could tell she was frightened. She grew more and more scared with every step until when we actually reached the festival she looked as if she might run.

"It's okay." Fukase smiled and tried to calm her down. "I won't let Neru hurt you."

Emi smiled weakly and allowed Fukase to drag her on.

"MIIIIKUUUUUUUUU!" Gumi cried and ran to give me a hug. "Oh my goodness you look so pretty!

Ilsie, Luki, and Oliver pushed their way over to us.  Ilsie glared at Len for a while...until Neru came over to us.

She smiled slowly at Len. "Hullo...who's this? I've never seen you around here before."

Len shifted. "That's because I've never been around."

Neru giggled. I hate giggly girls like her. "I like you. My name is Neru." She put out her hand but Len didn't take it. He bowed his head as he usually does.

"Oh you're so sweet!" Neru cried. Was she flirting with Len!?

Emi had gotten red in the face when Neru came up to us. Fukase had been hiding her behind him but now she peeked out.

"Emi! Nice to see you!" Neru smirked. "You look boiling, maybe we should take a swim?

Emi colored even more. "Hey Emi come with me! I want to show you something!" I announced and dragged her off.

"Th..thank you." Emi stammered. Neru was such a jerk. I don't care what the boys say...she definitely pushed Emi's brother into the lake on purpose. And she even thought it funny!

Fukase had followed us and we sat on the outside of the festival for a while. I decided to go and look for Len. 

Len's POV:

I had been trying to find Miku but there were too many people. I knew that Ilsie wouldn't help me and everyone else had run off. Except for Neru that is. I didn't like her very much, she gave me an uneasy feeling. In fact she had been following me this whole time...

I sat down on a bench that was put up against a building. I needed to rest for awhile.

Neru sat down next to me. "Tell me about yourself." She commanded.

"There's nothing to tell." I replied.

"There's ALWAYS something to tell." The girl smiled.

I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes so I could ignore her better.

After five minutes I assumed she had left because I wasn't being pestered anymore. However, I then felt her small hand slip into mine. I pulled my hand back and opened my eyes.

She giggled. "Are you trying to be hard? You're the first boy that's ever resisted me."

I stood up. I had had enough of this. I am a very patient person usually but I don't like this girl in the least.

"Then you should go to one of the boys that want to talk to you." 

"Oh but you are ever so much more INTERESTING. I want to know ALL about you!" She said, speaking slowly. She reminded me of a snake by the way she walked and spoke: Slyly.

"You wouldn't so rude as to leave me here alone!?" She cried as I started to walk off.

"There are plenty of people." I declared and gestured to the crowd.

"But I don't know any of them!"

"You don't know ME either." I pointed out.

"That's the point. I want to get to know you VERY well." Her eyes flashed and she smiled again.

I felt sick. Why wouldn't this girl leave me alone?

"I'm sorry but I must go find Miku." I started to walk away again.

"Well won't you help me up? You ARE a proper gentleman aren't you?" She asked.

Something inside me actually writhed at the thought of even touching this girl. I didn't want to go near her let alone touch her. I would rather hold an ACTUAL poisonous snake.

Unfortunately for me in that moment, Miss Megurine had raised me very well. I robotically crossed over and started to stretch out my hand to help her up. She took my hand as I took my last step forward. My foot hit something and rolled.

I had tripped and now I was falling forward.

NO NO NO NO! My mind screamed as I realized what was happening.

I was on top of Neru. She looked up at me and her eyes flashed again. Then she closed them and brought her face too close to mine.

I jumped up quicker than a frightened deer. "I...I beg your pardon..." I stammered.

Neru glared at me and huffed off. I looked down in embarrassment. There was nothing there I could have possibly tripped on, but I know my foot had hit something!

"Len!" Miku cried running up through the crowd.


"There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!" She laughed.

I smiled. "Lets go somewhere else."


"Come on." I took her hand, led her along the path, and into the forest.

"Okay now you need to close your eyes." I said.


"Just do it or I'll have to use this." I held up a blindfold.

"Alright..." She assented and closed her eyes.

I led her along until we reached the lake.

"Wait here for one moment." I laughed and ran around the lake before coming back.

"Okay open your eyes." I announced excitedly.

Miku opened her eyes and gasped.

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